Let's talk stock


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So im starting the build process for new 125g 72" long tank and im trying to plan out my stock options. Moving into the tank that I have already are a pair of clowns, 1 bengai cardinal, a yellow watchmen, and a solitary green chromis.

All fish need to be reef safe and on the smaller sizes. Ideally I would like two different schooling fish and I was thinking add to the single chromis I have and have a school of 8 or so. Additionally I was think maybe 6 Bartlett Anthias. With it being a longer tank im going to try an additional pair of clowns and hope they setup shop on opposite ends of the tank. Other then that I was thinking of maybe 3 more cardinal's, a diamond goby and a solon fair wrasse.

What do you all think? Does this sound like enough stock or too much for a 125g tank with about 40g sump SRO2000 skimmer and UV sterilizer?
John my 125g tank is a little on the wilder side, it's a mixed reef with male leopard wrasse, yellow corris wrasse, copperbanded butterfly, goldflake angel, red hawkfish, flame tipped tang, purple tang, neon gobies, mandarin and 2 onyx clowns. They get along really good and don't bother the corals, I do feed heavy so that may help. Holley:)
Holley's got a good list for you but I would save your self the the pain with the second pair of clowns, I've tried it in my 265 and it looked like it was going fine for a while till one was gone and then another.
I think it would work if it's a lot of 10 or more but any less and the chances are slim, but there is always that small percentage if lucks on your side.
MYREEFCLUB0070;1057396 wrote: Holley's got a good list for you but I would save your self the the pain with the second pair of clowns, I've tried it in my 265 and it looked like it was going fine for a while till one was gone and then another.
I think it would work if it's a lot of 10 or more but any less and the chances are slim, but there is always that small percentage if lucks on your side.

Agree with Marlon on this, I had 4 clowns in my 120 and ended up setting up a 30 cube which houses one of the pairs now and both pairs are much happier.
Adding more Chromis can be hit-and-miss. The large solitary one is probably female (they are relatives of the clownfish - dominant/solitary one becomes female). If you add more, she might pick a mate, and then pick off the rest.

Once the tank is well established, some anthias might be a nice choice - Lyretails are somewhat easier to keep than some of the other species, and don't break the bank.

Don't see them too often anymore but Hutchii anthias are nice too. They're green, and a bit more hardy than some of the other species. 15 years ago they were abundant in the trade, these days, not so much.
