Leveling aquarium


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Ive got a room that used to be a carport but someone inclosed it to make a large room. The problem is like most carports its concrete is sloped to allow rain to run off. So when I put my aquarium in there it has about a one inch lean to one side. I was thinking of building a wooden platform out of 3/4" plywood and 2x12's to place it on. That would raise it a bit also because I feel the tank is a bit low. (I like taller stands that you dont have to bend down to look at) Then just figure out how to shim up the wooden platform some kind of way. Also thought about cutting the platform one one side to make it level so I dont have to shim it. But tank is going to be catty cornered so that would be tough..my last thought was just to pour a slab of concrete and level it out.. all choices are not without their drawbacks or complications so I figured I would just ask if anyone here has any ideas? Thanks Anthony