Lighting- always a favorite topic

snarky shark

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I know several people supplement using Orpgek OR 3 bars on their tanks. The question I have is:

Do you run concurrent with your main light schedule or supplement with shorter times tiling a timer? I ordered one and will be adding over my tank but wanted to see how others are utilizing this light.

Thanks in advance!

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On my lagoon, i have an XR30 G5 Blue as my primary light and 2 OR3 bars as supplemental. They currently run from 11-3 every day as supplemental light. Growth has improved and colors are coming out. I love the OR3 bars.
That was what I was trying to figure out. If people ran them for shorter periods it on the same schedule as their main light. I appreciate the reply. By the looks of your corals, it is working well.

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I run two OR3 Sky Blue Bars on each of my tanks for two hours prior to the radians coming on and two hours after the radians come on so about 14 hours a day.
Got the orphek up today and looks great to me. Certainly dues as a little pop to the coral.

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