Lighting deep tanks


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I am getting prices on my next tank. I want it to be at least 42" deep, but would like to go up to 50" deep. What would it take? It will be 96 x 34 x 42-50. I will be keeping sps and clams.
It would be nice if 400 HQI's would do it.
I wonder if we don't get carried away with intense lighting. My current tank is 30" deep and I have 250's on it and keep clams on bottom with no problem.
That is going to be one very deep tank. How would you even work in that thing?
It will be hard, but I love the looks of a deep tank. John has been gathering clown eggs from my tank and mentioned that I should be able to get other fish to breed (tangs) with that much depth, which to me would be worth the difficulties. Maybe I will do a 1000w in the middle and a 400w on each side. I will just have to watch how I place things. I wonder at which point the thickness would jump up to 1 1/4" thickness on the acrylic?
everything gets harder and more expensive as you increase the height of a tank. Light levels fall off rapidly, thickness of the acrylic will go way up. you will need 1 1/4" for sure maybe more and the prices really start getting high past 1".

You will absolutly need 1000w halides if you want to do clams at the bottom. i would suggest two 1000w's and suppliment with two or three 400's in between.

BUT if you do decide to do it, it is really spectacular. there is a thread in the large tank section of reefcentral about a 1500g tank in a hospital that is 5' tall. Its made of 2" acrylic but its simply amazing!
That glass is gonna be incredibly thick. Good luck lifting it. But anything past 30" will never be in my home.
1000w lights would do it, especially in the right fixtures.

What's that you say? "Where would I find some?" Why, I happen to have two setups">for sale here</a>! Start saving on that new tank today! :)

Seriously, 1000w with a Lumenbright fixture would get you what you need.
ares;272108 wrote: get annoying when you have to take off your shirt and pull out a ladder to reach the sand bed.

Exactly what I have to do if I move anything near the bottom that my tongs can't pick up. I love a deep tank! But my 160 Cube is 36" deep and no matter how much I love the depth, it's such a pain in the butt when you need to wrok near the bottom of the tank. A step ladder, 36" tongs, and wetsuit are definitely a requiement with deep tanks!
I would love a 36" cube tank, but the height would be the only thing not making it a cube... It's would have to be shorter, maybe 30".
The bulb/ballast/reflector combination will definitely have to be considered here. The Lumenbright reflectors currently produce the most light penetration that I'm aware. Match that to high PAR producing bulb/ballast combo and you'll be ready to go.
Steve;272113 wrote: I would love a 36" cube tank, but the height would be the only thing not making it a cube... It's would have to be shorter, maybe 30".

Come to think of it...mine is not a true cube. It's 36"x36"X31". 31" deep, but still a big ol' pain in the arse!
I didn't think yours was... I sure would love it though!

but I think 1000w is the way to go for a tank 50" deep.
ares;272138 wrote: after seeing a reefoptix 3 vs lumenmax elite. no question about it, the lumenmax is brighter at the sand bed. it is also WAY more focused, good and the bad I guess. when just the reefoptix are on, the 8' of tank are decently lit, when its just the lumenmax elites, its like 2 spotlights.

I had a Lumnenbright with a 400W MH on my cube and I have to agree. The light is definitely focused. Too much for my taste in my setup. Great reflectors, really pack a punch.
ares;272108 wrote: get annoying when you have to take off your shirt and pull out a ladder to reach the sand bed.
Hmm... Haven't heard any complaining from Dennis about that yet...

My 150 is 31" deep and if anything hits the bottom and I can't strip right away, it's just gonna have to stay there. And if anything falls to the back- there's no reaching it. I think if I were to have a tank 50 inches deep, I'd need it wide enough so I could just get all the way in to clean it.
What I'm surprised hasnt been addressed is that the reason you want it so deep is to breed tangs?

I'm sure you can breed other fish like cardinals, clowns, maybe others, but I believe Jeremy (jmaneyapanda) told me NO ONE is breeding tangs.

Anyways, my tank is 30" dep, and is a huge PITA to do anything with, but I think 1000W would be right on.
if thats the case I would addvise doing a concrete tank for the tanks and a totally seperate display tank. from what Ive read tangs will need even more height then 50" for spawning and the costs will be amazingly high to make a tank like that totally out of acrylic.

thats most of the reason no one does it. It isnt cost effective to build a system large enough to do it.