Lighting Digital Timer question....


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I would like to have my 150W HQI's overlap 250W HQI's for 60 secs coming on in the morning and then overlap again while the 150's come back on for the evening.

This rules out the standard Coralife digital timer. I have the non-digital pin dual zone version but can't get the exact overlap I'm looking for.

Not really interested in a reef keeper at this point (unless I can find one for $100 or so) and the only other digital timers I could find that would allow simultaneous usage with multiple settings is a Sundial 2:"></a>

I need a 3 prong outlet and can't tell if this has 2 or 3 prong outlets.

Any other suggestions?
get individual timers and set them how you like them.

Depending on how many you end up getting, you'll find that you're better off getting a controller (rk2, etc) in the long run.
that timer is a major POS--read its review on Marine Depot's website if you don't believe me; do you want 60 seconds or minutes?
walmart carries very good digital timers with 1 setting or 6 settings. not sure about the 2 or 3 prongs though
Home Depot sells "Heavy Duty" timers for around $8 that have the ground prong with them.

roundman;158079 wrote: walmart carries very good digital timers with 1 setting or 6 settings. not sure about the 2 or 3 prongs though

Rawn is dead on! Walmart, Lowes, HD sells digital timers that is three pronged and can have multiple settings, 1-12(or so) programs you can run a daily. THey are very handy for doing exactly what you are wanting to do with your lights.
I'll check out HD again, didn't see them last week when I was there. Then Walmart i guess. Thanks for the input. only need 60 seconds overlap, enough time for the bulbs to light up and not have "dark" transitions.
The other kicker is I need to be able to run both lights at the same time, guess I may have to go with 2 timers, no biggie.
yeah, each light needs it's own timer. You don't want to risk a fire for the sake of a few dollars.