Lighting for a frag tank


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Hello ARC-

Looking for a little help...I needed a new project to keep me busy this winter so why not start a frag tank. It wont be anything too big, just a 24X24X12. I obviously want to grow corals and know that water chemistry, flow and lighting are the "big 3". Ive got a great understanding of all but the last. Let me start off by saying that this will mainly focus on everything but SPS, although I would like the option to move in that direction if I so desire later on. I understand that 6500k is suppose to give the greatest growth but not the best color, so Ive settled on a 10k look. Now, what 24" fixture or so would be the most cost effective for my purpose? MH, mainly for SPS down the road, T5 or LED's. I am not partial to any of these, but most of my experience has been with LEDs. I would like to do this right the first time instead of buying another fixture down the road. So help point me in the right direction...thank you.
Go Halides.... Best growth, without breaking the bank for a high dollar LED.
Good with either... 400 would have to be high off the water.
id go with a small led fixture like a kessiel or a sol or hydra and the supplement with 4 bulbs of t5ho's later when you want to do more light intensive corals
I think I may go the MH route...anyone have experience with this fixture at all? looking for some feed back on it, Hamilton Belize Sun 24" 150w HQI + T5s and I would upgrade to a 250w light/ballast
Just my .02, but for the size of the fixture you need, you could build an LED fixture for WAY cheaper than any of the other options. And it would be pretty easy. Also really cheap and easy to upgrade later when/if you decide to start fragging SPS. Good luck!
Try one of these:"></a>

I have one of their LED fixtures for my daughter's nano. Their stuff is actually pretty well put together.