Lighting for IM Peninsula 20 gallon


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Chamblee (near Mercer)
Just started a new nano tank, a IM 20 gallon Peninsula (I know I shouldn't..), and I am looking for recommendations for lights. I want to make it an anemone tank, so I probably need something powerful. But I also want a minimalist mounting solution, like the Current LOOP LED in the following picture. However, that LED Stripe is not powerful enough for anemone I think. Any recommendation?
One of these might work nice:

Should be able to mount it to the AIO compartment end like that Current Loop and turn the fixture lengthwise. One of the pictures shows the light positioned that way and shows measurements for the mounting arm adjustments. Definitely a little bulkier though.

I don't own this version but I did recently buy the smaller 60w version of this light for my IM15 and I am VERY impressed with it. The spectrum is nice, the color channels make sense, and the little built in screen makes it easy to control locally. The power, spread, and color blending is great. Fan is silent. Very little light spill/glare out the sides. It's very easy on the eyes. My RFAs and recently transferred over BTAs seem happy under it

I previously used a single point light source (Lominie Asta 120) and really disliked the harsh shadows. Also the spectrum and color channels on that kinda sucked.
I used a g6 xr15 blue on my 25. On the 2nd hand market they are relatively close in price to other lighting. If you plan on upgrading to larger I would consider lighting that would scale well.