Lighting help...need advice


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I recently transfered my 12g nano that had been running for about 2-3months to a 30g tank. I had a 20" PC light on the 12g but that will not work with the 30" 30g tank. The tank should be cycled soon since It has 12g of cycled water with LV sand and about 25lbs of LR. I plan to add another 20lbs or so of LR this weekend. I need to get some lights for the tank. I have a bunch of softies and LPS that will be going in the tank but I would like to also add some SPS. What I need advice on is different lighting options. Money is tight so I don't think Halides will work due to the cost. I figure T5 lighting is my only option. I just dont know how much I should spend on a T5 light and how many watts, size, etc....
Any suggestions will be very helpfull.
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only kidding... :)

If you're heart is set on T5, I won't try to change it... but, imo, a 2x PC ficture will likely be cheaper and satisfy your needs. This tank is about 16" deep?

T5s will work great, but I believe they are fairly expensive. I think most folks like to over drive them w/ an IceCap e-ballast (660 or 640)? The key to t5 lighting, imho, is the reflectors. :)

I think you would be looking at 3-4x 24" Bulbs, I'd go w/ 1 actnic, 1x 6700k and 2x 10ks, but you may want to switch out 1x 10k w/ another 1x actnic bulb if you prefer a bluer looking tank.
I say go T5. You can definitely keep SPS, so you won't have to worry about an upgrade if you fall in love with SPS later (you will :) ).

Only problem is the price. T5 will run you a little more, but in the end, if you went PC, you will probably want to upgrade later on. I would just bite the bullet now and go all in.

I am not a T5 expert, but there a number of people on Reef Central who are and may be able to give you some more help.

well i can spend probably no more then $200...from what I understand PC lighting wont work for SPS but T5 will. I really want to be able to keep some harder corals and I figured I could with T5's.
Stroid;30163 wrote: well i can spend probably no more then $200...from what I understand PC lighting wont work for SPS but T5 will. I really want to be able to keep some harder corals and I figured I could with T5's.

I guess it depends on the "sps." Montipora digitata should be fine, if slow growing, under 2x 65w pc lights if they were in the upper portions of the tank. If you want the more light-demanding SPS, then you are out of my league as to their light requirements.
I had a blue montipora digitata under 192watt pc lighting and it turned an amazing blue for a week then it died :-( but what is the ideal wattage for a T5 light that would be good...if im going to pay a couple hundred bucks I dont want something not worth a crap
Stroid;30166 wrote: I had a blue montipora digitata under 192watt pc lighting and it turned an amazing blue for a week then it died :-( but what is the ideal wattage for a T5 light that would be good...if im going to pay a couple hundred bucks I dont want something not worth a crap

you want the total number of watts?
I have been looking at T5s as well. For $200, you should be fine. Check out the sponsor here....
a>.  With the 10% discount, you should be able to get what you need.  I am probably going to go with the 36" Nova Extreme set up myself, just over $200.
That's the one I am looking at. With S&H, it is within a dollar of the price from Reeftank Lighting, don't know about S&H or taxes, but they are local.
The 4x 24" HO T5s are a total of 96w. if you go this route, i'd stick to 1x actinic only and any acro you get will need to be pretty close to the surface. Also, i'd hang the t5s no higher than 4" from the surface.


dawgdude;30173 wrote: Well I have a 30gal (actually a 29g) so I will tell you what I did, I built a hood for it. Sam at Aquabuys has a 250w MH for right at 200. I have some great growth with stuff and it works awesome. Only thing is that I had to mount it about 14 inches off the water bc of heat issues and I have a tiny fan that cuts on when the light does. Also if you can find some MH on here, I was able to find two 175's with reflector ballast and one brand new bulb for 75 bucks. Which is cheaper than you will ever find T-5's. Your other option is to get an Icecap ballast, then you need to get a reflector, sockets and bulbs. I would think 4 24" bulbs should be enough for the tank. After doing my research I just sent with MH for simplicity. Hope this helps.
problem is most lights i find are bigger then my tank...and I would not know where to start when it comes to building a hood. Also I am concerned about the heat I dont have a sump just a HOB skimmer and a penguin 150 which i am going to convert into a mini refugium. Also some PHD's
powerheads...sorry i saw somebody write that earlier today so i used it lol
DOH! I'm sitting here thinking... Phosban.... nope.... Pure Halide... nah.... lol
What's the dimensions of the 30 Gal? if you are looking to put it all under a hood there are some nice retros at Aquabuys. But then you have to buy bulbs separately. comes out to about 255.94 with it all two retros and a bulb of each. I think there is one daylight and three different actinic bulbs. From what I've heard is the only downside of T5 are their lack for spectral range.
i will get the exact dimensions but it is a standard 29g tank if that helps.
Stroid;30208 wrote: i will get the exact dimensions but it is a standard 29g tank if that helps.

should be 30" long, 16" high, and 12" (maybe 14") wide... :)
Stroid;30171 wrote:"></a> this is a customer favorite and its on sale.[/QUOTE]

That is not really a very efficient or effective fixture! It uses a single reflector which does not take advantage of the T5 lamps. Look into a fixture that has individual reflectors like the Sunlight Supply Tek fixtures are build a canopy and get a retro kit. We have some great sponsors that offer these items as well as an ongoing power buy.