Lighting help


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Morning all,

I am running two AI prime 16s on a Reefer 350. No coral in the system yet, still stabilizing.

I have no clue what a good setting on the lights would be. Does anyone have their settings that has worked for them?

Morning all,

I am running two AI prime 16s on a Reefer 350. No coral in the system yet, still stabilizing.

I have no clue what a good setting on the lights would be. Does anyone have their settings that has worked for them?

So go to the AI website and look up signature settings. Pick the setting that you like - see which tank would be similar to what you want to achieve, and download that signature setting for your lights. This should get you started with a known easy set up that you can keep or tweak as needed.
In case you don't know, with no coral in a new system, lights are not necessary. To prevent algae proliferation I kept mine mostly off for 4 months until I started adding coral. I did start running an hour or two in the evening just for viewing at about 3 months and slowly lengthened the time each day to @ 6 hours a day when corals were added, and continued increasing to the total time I wanted. Good results in avoiding algae, dinos and diatoms so far.
Here's the thing with settings, a lot of it is your preference. Intensity can be dictated by a PAR meter but the spectrum is an eye thing. If you look at it objectively, heavy blues are better for color but it will give the tank a 'windex' look. Personally, I don't really like that so I run some purples with a hint of white for what I think looks the best. Once you settle on a spectrum, you can adjust the duration and intensity to reach your desired goals. Once you get thins settled, ARC has a PAR meter that is free for supporting members. I can come up and do a reading or you can rent it for a 100% refundable deposit.
In case you don't know, with no coral in a new system, lights are not necessary. To prevent algae proliferation I kept mine mostly off for 4 months until I started adding coral. I did start running an hour or two in the evening just for viewing at about 3 months and slowly lengthened the time each day to @ 6 hours a day when corals were added, and continued increasing to the total time I wanted. Good results in avoiding algae, dinos and diatoms so far.

Oh yeah, knew that, but plugged them up to finish setting up the system and when I downloaded the App it was a lot more complicated than I thought it would be. Wanted to be ahead, get things done when I have a few hours to do so. Wont turn them on until I get ready for frags.