Lighting help.


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<span style="color: black;">Okay right now I have 2x 175w MH's with the lumenarc reflectors and that’s about all I can fit in my canopy. </span>

<span style="color: black;">This is the setup I am thinking about:</span>

<span style="color: black;">2 LumenMax Reflectors (not as wide as the Lumenarcs so I can save some room).</span>
<span style="color: black;">">[COLOR=#800080]</span></a> [/COLOR]

<span style="color: black;">And this nova extreme retro fit set:</span>

<u><span style="color: #22229c;">[IMG]">[COLOR=#800080]</span></a>[/COLOR]</u>

<span style="color: black;">It would be set up kinda like this:</span>

<span style="color: black;">________t5________</span>

<span style="color: black;">__mh___ ___mh___</span>

<span style="color: black;">_______t5_________</span>

<span style="color: black;">What do you lighting Guru's think? Better, Worse...?</span>

<span style="color: black;">Also I know nothing about t5's I just know a lot of people use the Nova Extremes so thought they would be good. If you have a better recommendation let me know!</span>
this is exactly why i'm changing my set up! :D

i ran a very similar set up, 2 250W SE MHs set up with T5 retros in the exact format you show in your picture. i liked it but when running two halides, heat becomes a HUGE issue. i saw my tank go from 78 to 84 in 3 hours (no fan) and even when i did kick the fan on, the temp wouldn't drop below 82.

PAR, i'm sure, is much higher with 2 MHs set up but my eyes couldn't tell a huge difference. Plus, rather than going all SPS, i decided to try to set up a mixed tank.

i've removed one halide and i plan on adding two more T5 retrofits. it should help with the heat issue, 1 250W halide can give me pretty good penetration in a 26" deep tank (keep SPS to 1 side), and T5s offer flexibility so that i can lay out the bulbs based on the "color" i choose.

my question would be, is there better growth out of a 6500k bulb with a lot of actinic supplementation vs a higher kelvin bulb and less supplementation?

sorry for the jack.
I like the 175 Iwasaki's with the icecap ballast's the par is as good as alot of 250w bulbs from the tests I have read.

From what I understand adding to 2 t5's would put my par over just about every 250w combo I looked at.

NavyReefer;147533 wrote: I like the 175 Iwasaki's with the icecap ballast's the par is as good as alot of 250w bulbs from the tests I have read.

From what I understand adding to 2 t5's would put my par over just about every 250w combo I looked at.


i don't know much about the 175W iwasakis (except that i wanted them since they first popped up a few years back) but if you know that you're meeting the PAR requirements that you've set for yourself, then i'd just add the T5s.

I'd imagine that you'd increase PAR significantly, especially in those areas where the halides won't reach.
dawgdude;147536 wrote: I will put my 250w HQI up against any 175w Iwasaki bulb and ballast and I am fairly sure it would out perform it on a tank your size.

"Performance", in my opinion, is a moot point. the minimum required PAR rating for most SPS corals is 600. anything above it would satisfy and photosynthesis will occur.

think of the corals first and get equipment based on what you want to keep. IMO, 175W dual MH set up for a 65 is more than enough lighting.

that is unless you want to keep SPS in the sandbed. :doh:
Well with the Lumenarcs I have full coverage so the 2 MH's hit the whole tank. I am just looking for a more blue look and was thinking the t5's may give me that.

Dawg: I agree on the hqi's focusing light better, but to change over to 250's I would want to get a chiller I think so that would drive the cost up alot. And the changes I am doing now will only require that I change the reflectors and add 2 36" t5's rather than selling everything and buying all new stuff again.
NavyReefer;147540 wrote: I am just looking for a more blue look and was thinking the t5's may give me that.

Add 2 Giesemann aquablue plus. I LOVE THE COLOR!!!
dawgdude;147536 wrote: Your comparing a 250w SE to a 175w SE. I will put my 250w HQI up against any 175w Iwasaki bulb and ballast and I am fairly sure it would out perform it on a tank your size. Would heat be an issue, yes. But if you want better performance thats it. Also, 250w HQI focus light alot better.
The Iwasakis do put out PAR close to what some 250w HQIs put out. With the new SE reflectors that number should be even better from the last time Sanjay tested. The Iwasaki bulb is a very effecient PAR to power ratio.
Cameron, what setup do you think would be most effective? The one I currently have or the proposed one?