lighting question


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I have a 400 watt MH pendant for an 18 inch deep tank. how high should it be above the tank?
high enough that when you reach in to adjust something you don't burn yourself. As for specifics, I'm sure it's a preferance thing with that wattage, but you don't want too much light leaking out the sides.

PS, what store do you work at? I'm RA er out of 726, hopefully soon to be the RA out of the new store in henry county.
its a PFO 400 Watt mini pendant, the reflector is what came with it, and it is a double ended 20k icecap bulb.

and im based out of 773 but im ER at the moment.
its a very white 20k, but it looks great. perhaps it has to burn in to get the fuller blue colors
Wow, that's a lot of juice for such a shallow light. I would start off high (20") and check par and heat, then lower (or raise) as needed.