Lighting question


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Good morning everyone, I have 3 Kessils 160 6 inches above water and was wondering if anyone has a lighting schedule.
Starting to get some Diatoms but not to bad. I have the spectral controller and was wondering how long of a photo period would be good.
30 days wet.
Some softies and two ocillaris clowns.
Temp is 78f
Salinity 1.022
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrate 5
Alkalinity 7 DKH


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Good morning everyone, I have 3 Kessils 160 6 inches above water and was wondering if anyone has a lighting schedule.
Starting to get some Diatoms but not to bad. I have the spectral controller and was wondering how long of a photo period would be good.
30 days wet.
Some softies and two ocillaris clowns.
Temp is 78f
Salinity 1.022
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrate 5
Alkalinity 7 DKH
If you plan on having more coral you will have to raise your salinity to around 1.025.

As far as lighting I have 2 Hydra 52 that turn on at 7 am and have a 2 hour ramp up. Then have a 2 hour ramp down starting at 7 pm.
Also; are you using a Refractometer to measure salinity or a hydrometer. Hydrometers have large margins for error, and I highly recommend Refracts. It’ll be the best $20 investment in the hobby. (Or go for a digital refract for $100)
Also; are you using a Refractometer to measure salinity or a hydrometer. Hydrometers have large margins for error, and I highly recommend Refracts. It’ll be the best $20 investment in the hobby. (Or go for a digital refract for $100)
Do you think regular refractometers are as good, better or less accurate than digital. It is quite the price difference. I haven't bought one yet because my vision, even with readers, is not that great in the near to mid distance range.
I don’t know if I’ve seen any evidence of digital being more accurate. However, digital are much easier to use for the common person. It also removes some of the human error component; but this error is minimal after a few minutes of practice.

It takes me about 20 seconds to use and verify a reading with my traditional refract, but digital takes half that time.
The only bad thing about anything digital is batteries. Nothing like going to use something and the batteries are dead.
I have 2@ A360X Kessils. I am using the built-in WiFi program, and have been very happy with it. I assume the Spectral Controller has a similar standard program?

BRS looked into the standard Kessil program and I believe their conclusion was not to mess with it (other than intensity) : )