Lighting question


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So currently I have two Kessel a360 X's on a 75 gallon tank. I'll be upgrading to a 120 standard 4x2 footprint. I realize additional lighting would help considering I'd like to keep SPS at least at the top half of the tank. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg, yes I realize the hobby I'm in, lol. It doesn't have to be fancy and it will be in a canopy so I don't care what it looks like. I realize t5's are what everybody runs to but I'm not the best DIYer and I'm trying to stay away from the $450 aquatic life setup if possible. Does anybody think adding one of the cheap black box LEDs would be sufficient or is there another option I'm not thinking of?
My honest opinion is that the hybrid fixture is the best option, it's easy. Trying to go cheap on lights never work for me in the past, you get what you pay for.
I like that option too Steve. I'm not trying to have an SPS dominant tank I would just like to have a few for diversity. Once I cross over the $200 mark to me I might as well just go with the t5 hybrid. would like to add supplemental lighting for less than 200 if possible.
Orphek has new OR3 reef bar light, I recently picked up 4 of these to supplement my Gen 5 Radion's over 2'x4' tanks. I like running these over T5s, more PAR.

Lol. Perfect timing, I just reached out to you. I understand you were using different strip lights before. Did you not feel they were adequate for simple SPS or did you just want something different?
If your budget is $200 you should probably shop for something used.

T5’s are nice to supplement with LED’s, but you may cringe when it’s time to re-bulb each year.
I recently switched from the generic eBay strip lights Steve provided a lint to and a 6 bulb ATI t5 sunpower unit. That was a serious lighting setup to grow SPS and I got pretty good color too. For the last year and a half I had been concentrating on light in the 380 to 500 nm range, I only ran ATI blue plus bulbs in the T5 fixture and that generic LED strip light from eBay was 470 nm.

Then the new Radion GEN five units came out that focus most of the light on the blue range so I picked up two GEN 5 x15 units for each of my 2 x 4’ tanks. Then I took a look at the Orphek OR3 deep blue strips and decided to pick one up and try it ouT. After seeing the PAR and high PUR reading I was so impressed I bought 3 more. The OR3 strips act like t5 bulbs blanketing the tank with light, I have them flanking the radion gen 5 units.
(sighs) remind me never to buy kessil again. Thanks for all the input guys
(sighs) remind me never to buy kessil again. Thanks for all the input guys

kessil is good, you just need to supplement it. Ryan from BRS is using kessil+reefbrite in his new tank.

if you look at kessil+t5 hybrid on r2r, you will see a lot of success stories. plus it's unlikely that you will do anything wrong with this combo. can't say the same for other LED makers.
Ahh, my delema. lol

I can't afford to put 14-16 XR15's or 8 XR30's over my tank. I've been looking at the Reef Bright's for supplemental for a couple months and I'll have to research the Orphec's too. I've been a big fan of led/T5 but want to avoid the bulbs too. I'll probably use them in the fish room but phase them out over time.

For the main lights I'm leaning towards Kessil. But I think I'm going to buy a Noopsyche just to tear it apart and see what I'm dealing with inside. If I can get pucks made that will work with this housing I may very well go that way. If I can get my hands on pucks or find a way to easily remove leds I'll be customize the spectrum. Call it an upgrade. ;)
Blanck pucks will most likely be the easiest.

The BRS vid yesterday pretty much confirmed my thoughts.
Ya just like Dave, I have added 4 x 48” bars to my radios Orphek - OR3.
So far so good, nice boost to par
Did you guys add four because you're doing wall-to-wall SPS? I'd like to think that two would be sufficient for my setup.
Did you guys add four because you're doing wall-to-wall SPS? I'd like to think that two would be sufficient for my setup.

I only added 2 (for each tank), 1 on each side of the Radion's. You can see in my pictures, one picture of each tank.
I almost pulled the trigger on the aquatic life t5 hybrid. But I really don't want all that stuffed in my hood and if I can make the two kessil's and two of the led bars work I'd be willing to give it a try