Lighting Question


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Hey guys,

What would y’all recommend in terms of lighting for a tank with a footprint of 35.4"×19.7"×17.7"?

I’m debating between a pair of AI Primes 16hd or Radion xr15 pros.

In terms of corals, planning on doing a bunch of LPS & want to dabble in some SPS.

Of course there’s a huge price difference between the two lights but mainly want opinions/suggestions on if the Radions are truly that much better.

Looking forward to y’all’s feedback!

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Those are all solid lights. You can't go wrong. We overthink things sometimes in this hobby.
Primes and X15s are totally different class of light. Radions are much stronger and have a lot of diversity in spectrum and penetration. I’d go with 3 primes over 2 radions in your case. It’ll end up being much cheaper. The spread will be nicer as well with 3 points of light over 2. At 17inches you won’t need much to get high par lower in the tank. With all that being said, if you plan on upgrading in next few years, go Radion G6 for the head room.