Lighting question


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I have a small 29 gal and i am going through lighting problems in what i should do. I have a 96 watt PC right now and i have a 175 MH as well( Mh is not on the tank) but everybody says that T5's are the way to go but i was looking around and T5's that will work with my tank are only 96 watts as well. so what would be the benifit of changing my PC for a T5 fixture or should i just put the Mh on there?
As a general rule watts don't mean jack. The t5's are superior to pc assuming you're using good parabolic reflectors. The MH will have more punch than the t5, but will also contribute more heat into the tank.
4 bulb T-5 all the way. However IMO if you have a substantial sump the MH would probably be OK. Depends on placement. I have T-5's on my tank but am seriously looking at MH for my next one.
I do not have a sump on the tank. Everything is HOB. So a 96 w T5 would be the way to go then?
IMO yes. I have a 2x24w on my 20L which is the same footprint as a 29. All of my corals are thriving which includes a Tri-color valida which I got from William1. I had a couple other SPS frags which all of sudden died but I don't think it was from lack of light. I would buy a 4 bulb Current Nova extreme pro or a Current Sundial. I don't know if the Nova Extreme pro is available in 30" cuz' 30" is kinda unusual in size. But you can get the 30" Sundial for around $200. It also has 4 LED night lights. The only reason I don't have one is I don't want to put any more money in this tank. Make sure that if you go T5 that you are getting HO and not NO. Coralife has some real inexpensive T5 lights but they are NO which is only 18 watts in a 24" bulb. BTW everything on my tank is HOB as well and I do not run a skimmer.