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Just a newby question. What is the difference between <span style="font-family: Arial;"> Halide and Halogen lighting systems besides spelling and cost?:doh: </span>
Chemistry/physics aside, Metal Halide lamps are the High Intensity Discharge lamps generally found in the color temperatures needed for aquarium and reef keeping. Halogen lamps are usually not in desirable color temperatures for aquarium or reef keeping.
if you plan to do a successful reef tank

you might want to stay away from Halogen lights
I know, I wish you could just walk in to Home Depot and get a Halogen bulb in 250W for $4.50 and be done with it. It does not work that way! ;)
kappaknight;29333 wrote: Are they good for macro algae growth?
From what I remember researching, they are still a bit in the yellow range (4000K-ish), though much whiter than incandescent lights.

You're better off, IMO, getting a PC flood grow light that's 5000K or 5100K and will use a lot less power than halogen and run cooler.
Just wondering the spelling was close and I never needed to know before this. Thanks for all the responses