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I have been keeping my whites down at around 10% and blues at 70%. my ? Is do I need to have more white?
Firstly, this depends on which brand/model lights you’re using. Secondly, it depends on what your goals are (including any corals that you have or are interested in).

but generally speaking, and without much info to go with, I’d say you might be fine. Have you noticed any issues such as corals dying or not opening up?
Sounds fine. I use almost exclusively blues and several people in the hobby do as well.
From one Justin to another, it's more about preference. As far as what's needed, it's the blues (for the most part). You'll see a lot of frag grow outs systems that run blues and they really do well. However, for this particular Justin, I like to add some whites just so the tank looks "right" to my totally subjective eye. I've downloaded 'coral growth' lighting programs and schedules and it's just too much blue for me.
A put the whites to 25% tonight I like the way it looks. Most days I get home just as the white is going off anyway. But if the corals need it I want to make sure they have it