Hey Guys,
Excited to see the first traces of LIME GREEN Corralline Algae. I woke up this morning and was like, hmmm...something is different, and lo and behold, I see fluroscent green corraline algae on my tank. The purple that was in there aleady is growing too. As my tank gets older, I keep getting new surprises. I swear, fish tanks are like a Christmas present factory. Keep churning out new and wonderful surprises.
I was thinking of buying some fluorsecent green leather coral to complement this algae from Scientific Coral...unless a kind gent would lend me a frag at the Oct. 9th meeting
Excited to see the first traces of LIME GREEN Corralline Algae. I woke up this morning and was like, hmmm...something is different, and lo and behold, I see fluroscent green corraline algae on my tank. The purple that was in there aleady is growing too. As my tank gets older, I keep getting new surprises. I swear, fish tanks are like a Christmas present factory. Keep churning out new and wonderful surprises.
I was thinking of buying some fluorsecent green leather coral to complement this algae from Scientific Coral...unless a kind gent would lend me a frag at the Oct. 9th meeting