LIME GREEN Coralline Algae


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Hey Guys,

Excited to see the first traces of LIME GREEN Corralline Algae. I woke up this morning and was like, hmmm...something is different, and lo and behold, I see fluroscent green corraline algae on my tank. The purple that was in there aleady is growing too. As my tank gets older, I keep getting new surprises. I swear, fish tanks are like a Christmas present factory. Keep churning out new and wonderful surprises.

I was thinking of buying some fluorsecent green leather coral to complement this algae from Scientific Coral...unless a kind gent would lend me a frag at the Oct. 9th meeting :)

That green algae is not good from what i understand. Eventually it will cover your tank glass and you wont be able to see through it. It is also a pain in the a%% to remove. I would scrap it of now before it gets worse.
You mean scrape off the coralline? It is not on the glass. It is also not nuisancne algae as my nitrates are at zero. Plus, this algae only started growing after I got T-5 with actinic blue.

I know what you mean about the glass being covered. I saw Brandon's tank, and the back pane of glass was sheer purple from coralline. I could always get a starfish that eats corraline and those magnets once it gets serious.

rajfish;82795 wrote: and those magnets once it gets serious.

*those magnets* are rather useless once you have accumulation that has been there awhile. IMO, magfloats are preventative more than anything. A quick pass with one every other day or so works great to keep your glass clear, but don't expect one to act as a scraper once you have a significant build-up.
Until it covers your glass.
Then one of these will take it right off. Best 12 I have spent on matainance supplys. Putting your whole arm in the tank to scrap glass blows. Plus it's messy. This little guy attached to a Mag Float is FREAKIN AWESOME. I had a side panel that was completely covered in Purple and Green Coralline that I couldn't even see light through it. After about 5 minutes with this guy attached to a mag 350 CLEAN and CLEAR! (Except for all the debris that was suspended in the tank)"></a>

I need that...going to have to make an order.

delaneymohr;82802 wrote: Until it covers your glass.
Then one of these will take it right off. Best 12 I have spent on matainance supplys. Putting your whole arm in the tank to scrap glass blows. Plus it's messy. This little guy attached to a Mag Float is FREAKIN AWESOME. I had a side panel that was completely covered in Purple and Green Coralline that I couldn't even see light through it. After about 5 minutes with this guy attached to a mag 350 CLEAN and CLEAR! (Except for all the debris that was suspended in the tank)"></a>

Coraline comes in many different colors. The guy I bought my Xenia from had MH lighting that was WAY bright. His coraline was actually BLUE, very blue like I've yet to see again! Under my lighting at the time, the little blue specks attached to the shell that held the xenia turned green. Under the cheap Odyssea fixture I bought, all my rock turned a murky green/purple after a few weeks. I'm hoping my next light does much better!
rajfish;82792 wrote:
I was thinking of buying some fluorsecent green leather coral to complement this algae from Scientific Coral...unless a kind gent would lend me a frag at the Oct. 9th meeting :)


I'll sell you one for $30 of equal size as the power buy. Does that make me unkind? :)