lineatus wrasse flashing


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this here is one of my favorite fish in the ocean .......i cant waite tell it becomes a full supermale to see the colors it will make,but it is still a beautiful fish to sit back and look at
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Vic, IME, it will only become a terminal supermale if you have females. Otherwise it will stay a beautiful fish, but will never show the nuptual colors.
If it flashes like Vic's, then its a male. Flashing is either territorial or nuptual but is typically only done by males/submales. The nuptual flashing is the one where the male will actually change colors dramatically. This is the one that takes your breath away and as Jeremy says you can't typically get that without females around. Granted, the change is brief but its still stunning. Territorial flashing, as we see above is what males will do regularly and its directed at rivals or other fish as a warning. Territorial flashes are very pretty though, especially amongst the flasher wrasses.

Each fairy/flasher wrasse species has a unique nuptual flash, this is because many of them do look similar to each other in their regular colors. A lot of fairies/flashers species mate at the same time and so the males will change to their unique coloration so the females will get less confused. Even still, you see a lot of hybrids out there especially amongst the flasher wrasses.

Anyways, I do see nuptual flashing in my tank from time to time. I think its because the males do get confused with all the various other wrasses in the tank? I'm not sure, but I wish it would happen more :).
Aren't there laws against behavior like this? I mean especially with all the talk about minors on ARC!!!
How much do these fish usually cost, and can they be housed in a 90g with a 6 line, niger and some others?

Sorry for hijack.
No, there are distinct differences between male and females in most of all the fairy/flasher wrasses.
when i first got this fish it was a female you can usually tell cause the female is more of a light pink color .....i have had the privlidge to see this beautiful creature change in front of my eyes is what makes this hobby rewarding