Lions and softies?


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So I've read that you can have dwarf fuzzies in a reef tank as long as you use caution. While I don't intend to keep one in my reef I would like to know if i can add some mushrooms to my fowler setup. It's all predators so nothing special as far as lights go. But can I add mushrooms to the tank for some added splash of colors? Or would it be a waste of time with the lionfish and Picasso trigger in the tank?
You should be fine adding a couple hardy corals the reason most triggers and lions aren't considered reef safe isn't because the eat coral it's more so because they eat other tank inhabitants lions will eat most anything they can fit in their mouth and triggers like to eat inverts like snails and crabs
Keeping lionfish and triggers together is bad news for the lionfish. Triggers will harass the lionfish trying to get/break the spines and most lionfish will die from the stress.
Oh... gotcha. OK well I know I want the Lions so I will reconsider triggers. :) but as far as mushrooms go I'm gonna see how it goes. With the sand and the liverock coming out of a previously established tank the cycle process was basically skipped all together. I've had a dwarf fuzzy in my 55 reef for the past few days but I didn't want to move him to the big tank until I gave it time to do its thing. It had a very minute ammonia spike on the first day, which is gone now with nothing but nitrates being left. And has maintained this. So I will move the lion in when I transfer everything to the new tank I'm getting today. It's a well established tank, and fully stocked so I'm going to downsize the corals currently in their and then place mine in. Move the fuzzy upstairs to the big tank and he should do just fine. It's very interesting to watch him strike at a minnow when he's eating. He kind of wiggles around like a cat about to pounce. Lol