I have been using it since September. I'm currently halfway through a 180 gallon bucket and plan to continue with this salt for the foreseeable future. People say to choose a salt that mixes at the parameters that you want to keep your tank at, but I would have to disagree slightly. If you are dosing to replenish the elements, then yes, that is correct, but otherwise it won't be enough to keep up long term. To give you an example, I want to keep my tank at 8.5 dkh of ALK. I do weekly water changes (haven't missed a single one), have been using LiveAquaria and prior to that another salt that mixed to 8.5 dkh. Because I wasn't dosing though, my ALK was at 6.0, despite the 20% water changes. The options are to dose or choose a salt that will bring your levels up high enough to make a difference (but not so high that it shocks your system). I choose to start dosing 2-part again.