Live rock question


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Anything wrong with storing my beloved live rock in a 32gallon brute with a pump, heater, and a light?

Shutting down my tank tomorrow in preparation for the move to Florida. I could use my 32-gal brute salt mixing container, put a pump in it for good flow, couple of heaters, and even cut a hole in the top to put my Kessil over it. Heck, I can even use my Apex still :lol2:

Top it off occasionally, do a water change every now and then and the rock should be good to go when I setup the new tank right? Will I need to feed it at all? Dose small(as in tiny) amounts of ammonia to keep bacteria alive?
Shouldn't be an issue and no need for the light unless there's something on the rock that you are trying to keep alive. The bacteria in the rock will be good to go, no light needed. As you said, it will need to be fed periodically with an ammonia source.
Thanks guys. What I thought but never hurts to seek additional opinions. I do have some coral fragments still attached to the rock. May just keep the light to keep those guys alive.
Agreed with the statements above. You be just fine keeping your rock that way until you move. No need for the light if it's just rock. Depending on how long you will be keeping the rock in there it will need some kind of food source eventually. What do you plan on doing with your fish?
That is the way I stored my live rock/live sand when I moved from TX to GA, no issues
Genesis;1061376 wrote: That is the way I stored my live rock/live sand when I moved from TX to GA, no issues

aXio;1061365 wrote: Agreed with the statements above. You be just fine keeping your rock that way until you move. No need for the light if it's just rock. Depending on how long you will be keeping the rock in there it will need some kind of food source eventually. What do you plan on doing with your fish?

Fish are being kept by a friend and fellow member for me.

Genesis;1061376 wrote: That is the way I stored my live rock/live sand when I moved from TX to GA, no issues

Good to know, thanks!