Live sand waiting for tank - still good?


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It was in garage in water - got cold while tank is getting ready (circa a week) Can I still use this or do I need to rinse it or will be be fine?

(somewhat of a foot smell).

Question for all the experts. :roll: I've heard different folks talk about rinsing sand. What is the easiest way/method to go about rinsing live sand? Fresh water or salt? I have 120lbs to rinish.


It is going to SMELL to high heaven!!! Nothing on it is still live... HEre is my advice and I am sure it will get me a neg rep point somewhere. If you are cycling your tank, put the sand in as is. What better way to kick start a cycle then with rotten sand that already has all the ammonia that you will even need in there. Just stir it up a bit about a week and a half into the cycle. It will take a bit to cycle but I believe you get a stronger cycle that way. Stronger cycle = more bacteria. More bacteria = a good thing. Kind of goes back to the old old school when people used to put straight ammonia into their tanks to start a cycle.

Just my advice...
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: HEre is my advice and I am sure it will get me a neg rep point somewhere. If you are cycling your tank, put the sand in as is. Just my advice...

No negative points... But, I'd probably grab a cup of it out and rinse the rest. Toss it in a big rubber tub (bucket at a time if you have to). add a water hose and plow through it until the water is clear.

fillup the tank. And toss your cup back in ....

Little safer, little less smelly, probably a little longer cycle...

Just my $.02 worth
