Livestock in a Nano


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I was wondering what livestock was in your nano. I currently have a purple and orange firefish, black/white percula clown, yellow stripe dottyback, and two clown gobies. Is this to much to have in a 29gal? I change the water, 5gal, every week.
I think that's a fine amount for a 29.

In my aquapod, I ahve a false perc, six line, chromis, clown goby and yellow watchman. I just put my coral beauty in there today because he was being terrorized by my demon white tail angel...they've been together for more than a year and I guess the honey moon is over.
Have a 10 gallon Nano with a Yellow watchman, percula, a pajama cardinal along with a peppermint shrimp. Also have two hammers, a blasto, xenia, 2 zoos and a couple mrooms. All are doing fine for about a year now with good weekly water changes.

In my 29 I have
2 Clowns
Soon-Sixline, something of that sort
I have a yellow watchan goby, false perc, royal gramma, pistol shrimp, and cleaner shrimp. I will be adding a sixline in the next month or two. This is all in a 20 gallon w/ 4.5 fuge.
In my 29 Biocube I have a percula clown, bicolor blenny, scooter blenny (*eats frozen!) and a yellowfin fairy wrasse.
In the 10G I have a pair of ocellaris clowns and the crew. In the 2.5G no fish.
Sounds like your fine...I had just a little less in my 24,...
I am actually about to add the panda clown goby. This will finish the fish selection for my nano. Has anyone ever had the panda goby?
In my 29G I have a Yellow-watchman Goby (apparently a popular choice from prev posts!), Smith's Blenny and a Six-line Wrasse along with a Banded Coral Shrimp and several Emerald Crabs
In my 10G, a pair of Golden Banded Coral Shrimp (small) and a Mother Sailfin Dragonet (eating frozen Mysis)
i have a goby tank, the down side is they like to hide in the rocks alot. but they are fun fish to have. if your looking for a written guide goto