Local Plastic shops? Acrylic help needed.


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Hey all. I am wanting to build a small overflow box for my up and coming frag tank. Probably around 6"L x 5"H x 5"D. Anyways, does anyone know of any local plastic businesses that have scrap bins?

I searched alittle bit and most of what I have found deal in injection molding.

Or if someone has some scrap lying around that they wouldn't mind parting with, I would appreciate it.

If someone could help me build one, I would certainly pay for it, either in frags or money. I prefer black or blue acrylic.

I don't see myself working with acrylic after this overflow box, so I really don't want to waste the money on Weld-on, applicators, needles, acrylic saw blades, etc, for only this small project.

Can anyone help me out?

I live in Dallas/West Marietta area.

if its just a small over flow box you can buy the acrylic and get it cut at Lowes. Its only the clear stuff and you don't' have to have the really thick stuff since its just and overflow. You can always use Krylon Fusion to make it the color you want. Multiple sources from other reefers say that it is safe in tank as long as it is fully cured.
Have you tried Woody at precision aquariums or even Andy at MRC? For an overflow as small as you need why not just buy a piece at Lowes or Homedepot.
I didn't want to go through the hassle of buying materials at a box store, having to paint them, buying Weld-on somewhere, trying to cut the pieces and then finally assembling them.

Was just wondering if someone had some scrap acrylic and Weld-on around from a previous project that could help me build a small overflow.

I have very little experience working with acrylic and really don't have the proper tools to cut it. And I am sure as heck am not going to let a box store cut the acrylic for me.

Anyways, I found some scrap acrylic at work and I am just going to order some Weld-on online and try to do it myself.
Weldon 16 is good.


Fast shipping and decent price. these are the big tubes
Thanks Billy. But I just put an order in to Mcmaster Carr. Their local and I should have my stuff tomm or Fri at the latest.

I also read somewhere that the adhesives also have a shelf life, so better to buy it from a reputable source, than ebay, so you know you aren't getting expired materials.
"scrap acrylic" at work huh, yeah I found some "scrap" stuff at the same place lol .