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I have several RBTA and they are doing good. However, one has not been doing good for some time. I'm unable to get it out of the tank because it is located behind some rocks and it's at the bottom of the tank. Breaking down the tank to get it out is not an option. The BTA is supposed to be green. But its a dirting white. All of the water params are good. I'm using T5 lighting. I just changed the bulbs about 3 months ago. I'm also using oceanic salt. I do a water change every 2 weeks. About 30 gallons. It's a 90 gallon tank , 30 gallon sump and a 20 gallon refuge. I'm trying to figure out what could be wrong with the BTA. The nem has been on the tank for about a year. He has been the dirty white color for about 6 months now. Thanks.:eek:

My sebae nem bleached out after I had a couple of temperature swings. It used to be at least 12in in diameter, now only around 5in but finally after almost a year it has regained its color and looks more and more healthy every day. I feed mine a variety of fresh seafood now and believe that makes a huge difference. Before the bleach out I just fed silversides and also believe that could have also played a roll in the bleachout
Why do you think it took almost a year for it to gain its color back? what is it about nems that make them do that? Do you think it could be the silver slides?
It may not be getting enough light. What wattage are your T5's and are they in individual reflectors. 90g tanks are pretty deep so lighting could be the problem.

Moved thread to the Reed Discussion forum.
The T5 are 54 watts. The nem is at the bottom of the tank, under some rock. There's no light there. He will have to move to gets some light.
I think you should get a hold of the club's par meter and just check how much light you're getting. I don't know much about those all in one T5 retros and it would be wise to rule the lights out as a possible source of issues.
A nem getting its color back is a long process that a lot don't ever make it through from what I've read. I think mine took a little bit longer than usual. I saw the most noticeable results when I started feeding it fresh fish and scallops. I just go to Harry's once a week and buy myself a nice filet of whatever and cut a piece off for my little buddy in the glass box. Now I just need it to grow in size. I won't use frozen food again can't trust it. Lighting could also be the issue.
grouper;213089 wrote: The T5 are 54 watts. The nem is at the bottom of the tank, under some rock. There's no light there. He will have to move to gets some light.

My 55 gallon tank has 54w T-5s, and two PC 30w lights, u might need a bit more light
I have four other RBTA in the tank and they are doing GREAT with the lights four long time now.
I feed the tank mysis and krill. I was using silverslides now I use krill and microalgae.:up:
You can try pointing a powerhead in that direction to get it to move. Keep an eye on it to make sure this isn't making thinsg worse.
I would like to point a powerhead on the nem, however, this dude is atttt..... the bottom of the tank, under some rock. I would have to tear down my tank to get to it.
Well you already lost 1 gorgeous RBTA. I think you should just check the par just to be sure... as those all in one retro t5 units never seemed very bright to me.
Can you bend a hanger to get him out? If he dies in there he will spoil the tank. Do you have a grabber?
The grabber will not get him. Picture this. In your tank at the bottom(i.e. I have a 90 gallon tank that is deep) behind some rocks, that where he is. I would have to break down the tank to get him. I'm starting to think that is what I may have to do.