LONG run for Apex cable


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Whats the longest single run cable anyone has been using - without issues - for an aquabus cable?

Currently running 2 individual Apex units - Apex Classic on downstairs tanks and a Jr on an upstairs tank.

I would love to reduce down to 1 controller but would probably have about a 75 foot run between the 2.

Through a wall, up into the second floor attic and across the house and then back down through a wall to the tank on the second story.

I know the specs say a total of 200 ft for all aquabus cables - I know I could run both tanks within that parameter. What I'm worried about is the single long run - especially since there can be no power boosting on aquabus.

Anyone have experience doing a long run like this?
Nothing I've ever found that doesn't require a physical connection back to the main head unit.

I have both controllers in Fusion - but they are completely independent.

On the website, Neptune recommends that you connect a powered device every 75'.
NOTE: You can have up to 200′ of Aquabus cable per system and it is recommended that you have one powered Neptune Systems accessory (i.e. Energy Bar or 1LINK module) every 75′.
Sounds like you'll be right at the limit.
I'm using a 75' aquabus cable connecting an EB8 in the garage to the main unit in my office. Works fine.
The Best place to pickup Apex cables and any other electronics is monoprice.com.  They make their own cables so they are of superior quality and thickness not to mention MUCH cheaper.  Just make sure you get the right type of cable for your apex.  :)
Make sure the cable is male-to-male with no crossovers (straight through) and no repeaters. Here's where I got mine... $65.

Is there any way to shorten the run at all?</em>

75' is for sure just a rough guess. I'm probably going to run a string to get a better measurement - and give me a pull string to thread the aquabus cable if I go this route.

Being able to sell an apex jr base unit plus the apex classic base unit would make the purchase of the newer apex a little easier to swallow but I will definitely need to test the entire scenario out prior to committing.
