Long Spine Sea Urhin (any experiance with?)


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I really want to get a black long spine sea urchin, but the finance thinks they'll eat all the coraline. I hear that that can happen, but is not usually the case. Are they generally reef safe or no?

What is your experiance with them? Were they neat, a pain, or...? Thanks again
lol, I went to bobs once, his urchin tank was like spotless of any algae. i didnt know if they all ate like that, or no...i assume yes, but just curious.
I didn't have a longspine, but my urchin ate the coraline like a mad man!! Which wouldn't have been so bad except he ate it in a zig zaggy crazy pattern that make it look terrible. AND he knocked everything off that wasn't glued down.. and a few things that were.

After a couple months of 'putting up' with him.. I took him back to the LFS.
I had one of these years ago (like 1997) and I called it "The Crystalline Entity" after the Star Trek thing that carved swaths of bare dirt out of planets. That's what your coraline will look like.
Nuff said! If it wasn't for the Bangaii's I'd banish them to my sump with the my pincushion urchin. I do think they are really cool though and if you have a tank set up where you are not concerned about coraline covered glass and liverock then I say go for it....besides, always best to keep the fiance happy!
They're really neat until you're scraping algae and forget that you have one. The spines don't contain venom but that doesn't make them fun to remove.
I've done it at least 6 times. :)