Looking for angelfish pair.


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I've been looking for a pair of breeding angelfish. They must be laying eggs. I'm located near Woodstock.
Just curious, but are you going to try to rear their fry? That would be a very cool project to document if you do.

I know the fishstore had a pair of flameback angels (last time i was there was a cpl weeks ago) for sale, I do not know if they were spawning though.
I might. I'm setting up my 55 gallon soon to be planted tank and probably buying a pair of angelfish to out in with no other fish. I will defiantly raise the fry and keep some and also sell some. I'm probably going to artificially raise them in a 10 gallon until they big enough to move into a 40 gallon. And thanks. I'm really been keeping my eys peeled for a nice pair.
au alum;910295 wrote: Just curious, but are you going to try to rear their fry? That would be a very cool project to document if you do.

I know the fishstore had a pair of flameback angels (last time i was there was a cpl weeks ago) for sale, I do not know if they were spawning though.

The OP is talking about freshwater angels. :)