Looking for frags at the meeting


Reaction score
My reef is just now starting to get corals in it. Im not able to frag any of them so I cant trade. I would love to buy tho.
This is what I am looking for
Kenya Tree
Candy Cane
Just about any lps and softies.
Please let me know what you have. Thanks See you at the meeting, I am new so please say hi :up: .lol
I have a few frags i could get for you
$10 Neon Green CandyCane 3-5heads
$5 Kenya Tree (unmounted)
Depending on what kind of zoas you want I may have those too...PM me if you want me to bring some before I go down to the meeting.
TriGA22...a few that I am bringing:

Kenya Frags LR Rubble: $10
Brown Button Polyps $5
Xenia $5
i have to leave around 5:30 to get there in time so let me know. i should have extras as well.
Im in a Andrew Jones jersey. And probably the youngest there.. not to hard to find me
Did you not make it to the meeting? I cut a few frags and brought chaeto especially because I know I was one of the people who encouraged you to come on saltwaterfish.com. I didn't see anyone in an Andruw jersey. If you need anything (frags, chaeto, extra stuff) let me know. If you drop by I will do what I can with what I have.
Dito for frags and cheato! I live in Mableton so PM me if you want to stop by and pick up some stuff.
I went to the building but idng "go". I never knew it was in the Hospital.. I thought the directions were wrong because that buildin was likw 1200 not 1100. I will be there next month hopefully. If you live near I can take them from you.