Looking for some opinions on CL vs MP40's


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You'll be hearing from me often as I try to learn more about larger tanks.

I've been reading up some on circulation for my 135gal tank and want some opinions. Some people seem to think that CL systems are obsolete while others feel they're still superior to in tank powerheads. Tank is a 72x18x26 I believe. Any and all corals are planned.

I must admit the thought of no visible powerheads is appealing but I also have an MP10 on my BC29 that I absolutely love. I've also been readin up on the Ocean Motions 4-way for CL systems.

My choice is between:

2 MP40's with one on each side and an MP10 in the back. These will be controlled via the WXM module for the Apex. Already have the Apex, WXM, and MP10.

Closed loop system using the Ocean Motions 4-way or 8-way. This assumes that I'll be able to drill the bottom of my tank. Two(or four) returns would be on the back wall pushing through the rock structure and tow(or four) would be coming up through the bottom front of the tank pointing up and over the rocks towards the overflow. I could either go with a 4-way and tee of 2 returns per outlet or go with the 8-way. I'd utilize the two existing holes in the bottom corners as inlets to the CL pump. I suppose that if I can't drill the bottom I could drill a suction in the back and use the bottom corner holes as returns for the front outlets and just run the PVC under the sand.

Or, something else. I'm open to ideas and love researching options so hit me with some if you think there's a better alternative.

I want this done right as I likely won't get a bigger tank for at least 5-10 years.
I never liked a CL for one reason, the sump has to be fairly large ( mainly cause I don't trust safety valves) in case of a power failure . Plus I am nuts over voretechs
I like vortechs because they can be re used on multiple different systems or applications versus a cl just being drilled holes and a pump.
I'm not sure why the mp10 is an option for a 135g...

3 x mp40wes will set you up just fine. 2 on each side and one on the back wall


Edit: I'm not sure why the mp10 is an option for a 135g...

3 x mp40wes will set you up just fine. 2 on each side and one on the back wall

Thanh386;729114 wrote: I never liked a CL for one reason, the sump has to be fairly large ( mainly cause I don't trust safety valves) in case of a power failure . Plus I am nuts over voretechs

You do not need a sump with a closed loop. The water goes through the pump only.

I know everyone loves the Vortechs but I think they are just an overpriced water pump. It seems to me that they are the "cool" thing to have but really do not yield any measurable difference in a tanks health.
126 reef;729145 wrote: Why deal with the hastle of drilling your tank when vortecs do a better job creating intermittent flow?
How so?

Edit: :confused2:
Thanh386;729114 wrote: I never liked a CL for one reason, the sump has to be fairly large ( mainly cause I don't trust safety valves) in case of a power failure . Plus I am nuts over voretechs
Sorry I am on flu medication right now and didn't think right. I was thinking about about something else. Ignore my comments today I guess lol.
I would do closed loop if i had more free time, but vortechs are easy to move
What do people see as the pro's and con's of the two options? Or any others that I haven't considered?
Love Vortech's af being a fan of Tunze. Plus, that battery backup sure is nice!
I hear that if the oceans motions is not properly plumbed and installed, it can be a terrible headache. If you choose to use it, make sure you properly plan valve and union placement.

Edit: If I was in your position, I would try to find some used mp40s first. If you aren't happy, sell them and drill the tank. Vortechs are temperary, but if you drill the tank, there is no going back.
izoid;729170 wrote: You do not need a sump with a closed loop. The water goes through the pump only.

I know everyone loves the Vortechs but I think they are just an overpriced water pump. It seems to me that they are the "cool" thing to have but really do not yield any measurable difference in a tanks health.

grouper therapy;729212 wrote: How so?

Edit: :confused2:

Ripped Tide;729347 wrote: I hear that if the oceans motions is not properly plumbed and installed, it can be a terrible headache. If you choose to use it, make sure you properly plan valve and union placement.

Edit: If I was in your position, I would try to find some used mp40s first. If you aren't happy, sell them and drill the tank. Vortechs are temperary, but if you drill the tank, there is no going back.

Price of the vortechs isn't really the issue. The difference between a couple vortechs and a decent CL pump plus the OM is probably only a couple hundred $. In the grand scheme of things that wouldn't keep me from doing what's best. Really seems that most favor vortech's. Which is fine and kind of what I expected. The CL would be nice aesthetically but I'm not sure of any other true benefits.

Vortechs would be significantly less work for sure.

Thanks for the replies all.
RedStang;729375 wrote: Price of the vortechs isn't really the issue. The difference between a couple vortechs and a decent CL pump plus the OM is probably only a couple hundred $. In the grand scheme of things that wouldn't keep me from doing what's best. Really seems that most favor vortech's. Which is fine and kind of what I expected. The CL would be nice aesthetically but I'm not sure of any other true benefits.

Vortechs would be significantly less work for sure.

Thanks for the replies all.
Not sure where the closed loop pump would be ,but if located remotely it definitely would be quieter. Vortechs would surely be less expensive to operate.
I would say it really comes down to aesthetics. Of course, while anything can fail, at least if a Vortech fails it won't leak or cause any damage to anything.

Only other thing I can think of worth factoring in is that if you have (or plan to use) an Apex, you can do some pretty neat things with Vortechs... for example, I have my water movement calmer during the night. It can be by time, but I just tied it to my lighting cycle. These aren't the actual power percentages, but basically lights out: 25%, actinic sunrise/sunset: 35%, daylight: 50%. May not matter to you (and probably doesn't matter to the animals either, though my idea was to calm it down when fish go into the rocks to rest for the night).
cr500_af;729444 wrote: I would say it really comes down to aesthetics. Of course, while anything can fail, at least if a Vortech fails it won't leak or cause any damage to anything.

Only other thing I can think of worth factoring in is that if you have (or plan to use) an Apex, you can do some pretty neat things with Vortechs... for example, I have my water movement calmer during the night. It can be by time, but I just tied it to my lighting cycle. These aren't the actual power percentages, but basically lights out: 25%, actinic sunrise/sunset: 35%, daylight: 50%. May not matter to you (and probably doesn't matter to the animals either, though my idea was to calm it down when fish go into the rocks to rest for the night).

Good point about the programming. I do have, and would use, my apex.