Looking to add another fish, suggestions?


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Hi all!

Currently have:

2x Snowflake Clowns
1x Starry Blenny

Looking to add one more fish to my system and looking for suggestions. The blenny has been a little too shy for my liking, so looking for something that likes to be out a swimming.

Maybe some like a Wrasse or Dwarf Angel?

Going to avoid Firefish due to their likelyhood of jumping
Was leaning towards a Six Line Wrasse, I want something that would be out and about opposed to sticking his head out of my rockwork
What size tank?

Six line wrasses are jerks, pass on that. I'd go with a royal gramma. I want to get a few for my 90g.
Mr Aqua 12L.

Due to my filtration (6gallon sump with skimmer, chemipure, floss and chaeto) I should have no issues handling the bio-load. Part of the reason I want another fish is to raise the nutrient level of my tank.

Thanks for the RG recommendation, I had forgotten about those and have never had one...I will add it to the list.
No wrasses or dwarf angels should go in a 12g, sorry. A 6line may work but will most likely be very aggressive. I'd go with the gramma though. It should fit and not be overly aggressive.
Just my opinion but I think you are already maxed out having the pair of clowns in that size tank.
dball711;1100445 wrote: Just my opinion but I think you are already maxed out having the pair of clowns in that size tank.

One of the most debated topics in reefing! I am of the belief that if there is room for fish to swim, little aggression is being shown, and a tank is capable of handling the bioload then adding fish isn't a problem. Same could be said of dog owners in apartments.

I've seen similar tanks stock 2 clown, firefish and a Pygmy Angel for over 2 years with no issue. This is very much a YMMV topic.