Lorens bonehead move of the day.....

seedless reefer

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In the spirit of last nights talk about buffering I buffered my refugium today.

Not that it really needed it and not that wanted to do it.

You see I had the water and sand brewing with some cheato given to me last night and this evening I added about 3 pounds of LR.

While I was under my stand I decided the fuge needed light and attempted to hang a florescent light with some GE grow lights underneath so I could light the tank and see under my cabinet.....a very cool idea until one of the bulbs came out.

POP right into the fuge...it's now buffered with glass, powder and misc light bulb parts:o :mad2: :sick: .

This is SUCH a relaxing hobby.

Suppose the sand, rock and cheato are toast?

<span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: blue;">Loren W.</span></span>
loren these guys are giving cheto for free get some from them to restock your fuge
I can give you cheato in about a week or so if you can wait. I just throw the excess away. That is why I give it away at meetings. Will you be at the BBQ?
You can always pick up free Chaeto from me if you drive by my place. I have gobs of it.
Dang Loren...that sucks! Happens to all of us in this hobby! If you need more sand just come by and pick it up!
You have my sympathy. I did something similar only it was while I was hanging a Reefstar MH fixture. Fortunately the fixture wasn't on yet, but disassembling an entire brand new light to clean it with RO water and alcohol wasn't terribly fun.
*wonders what would happen if metal halides ever failed above my tank. There is some height, but no protective barrier between lights and water. Even had some salt spray on old bulbs I replaced. Is this wrong or normal?

/end hijack_thread