Losing my CUC


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Water parameters are all good to start with...I think its a fish or something..

My snails are almost all gone...I have 2 clowns (no concern there), 1 foxface, 1 lavender Tang and a LARGE Lunar wrasse...Im thinking the wrasse is the culprit... No clicks, ticks or anything...

It's the wrasse. From Live Aquaria....

"It may eat mantis shrimp and bristleworms. It does not eat corals or live plants.

Its natural diet consists of fish, crustaceans, motile invertibrates"
Good call Gwhiz! It's definitely the lunare, they are not reef safe when they grow to maturity. Beautiful fish though!
they're also mega agressive. they will tear your tank apart if they get big enough.

i hear they snap in a day's time.
Hes so outta there...he's like 7-8 inches...Havoc wuld be the right word...Any easy ways to catch em?
We caught ours with the good ol' bottle trap. He was about the same size as yours, possibly a bit smaller.
My tank isnt too mature...Two large nets and move rock out of one side
tnyga;151229 wrote: what did you do Linda...just put food in the bottle?

I refrained from feeding my tank for a few days. Then put a couple cubes of frozen food in the submeged, halved, inverted bottle. What happens is, the food will float at first but then begin to drift to the bottle as the cube thaws. This keeps the food moving and visual rather than just sitting at the bottom of the bottle. I guess watching all that movement was too much for the hungry wrasse.

(Also... get a second empty bottle and put an opening in both ends. Let it sit on the sandbed during the time that you're not feeding the tank. The fish will get used to swimming around and through it.)
If you have blue leg hermits, they will also kill snails for the shells. I'm a big fan of Mexican reds. In my last tank, after removing the blue legs, I virtually eliminated snail deaths.

And for whatever reason, you can litter the bottom with empty shells, but the blue legs will still opt for a fresh one more often than you'd like.
Are you sure you want to sell him? Jin has this neat trick with wrasses to keep them from eating snails. Something to do with SuperGlue...

I lost my pistol shrimp in my tank for a bit like Linda said in a different thread.

I moved my rock one day after drilling my tank and I found my pistol's burrow in the back of the tank. Surrounding his burrow was the carnage of snail shells etc.

I never saw my Lunar wrasse touch my CUC even though I know its possible....my money is on the shrimp. You won't always hear them kill.
You may be right...but the size of this wrasse says he needs a bigger tank than a 90
Tim at keen reef...he had it for like 4 months...I felt bad...lol....He eats EVERYTHING and anything...