Lost 2 marine inverts today??


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Well in the last few days ive noticed my Huge cleaner shrimp has been missing and now today my porcelain anenome crab which ive had since my first tank was found dead? Everything else is happy as can be. Water test parameters are perfect for basic test. Only thing ive switched in the last 3 weeks was i started using aquavitro calcification and 8.4 instead of 2 part. Any clues i wouldnt be concerned if i had just lost one but 2 in past few days?
What are your nitrates and have you changed water sources? Did you test for ammonia?

ammonia, nitrates, both 0 nitrites i believe were 0 as well i lost my little card but it was very light blue which im almost positive was 0, same water as ive always been using, get it from Creation
yeah i just did a water change a few days ago the only thing i could think of is that maybe the temp difference got them, but i only changed 5 gallons the same as i do every other week
What's your specific gravity?

Are you sure they didn't molt? An empty crab shell sometimes looks like a dead critter - and if the shrimp molted recently it may just be hiding.

yes im positive it had the smell of death when i pulled it from the tank, the shrimp did molt recently but my tank is barebottom with only a few places to hide and he molted several days ago. Specific gravity is 1.025 perfect
what was the sg before the water change and what was the sg of the water change water?