lost a fish :(


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i was out of the country for 9 days got back today and my golden midas blenny somehow found his way out the aquarium he must have gotten out from the hole i made for the auto feeder unnamed (1).jpg
Sorry to hear that. I lost my tailspot blenny last week, he was my first saltwater fish. They have such awesome personalities. I'll be looking for another one as well as a Golden midas to go in my bigger tank.
Sorry to see that. They always seem to find a way through any tiny little gap. It's almost like they are trying to commit suicide. This got me thinking - How often do our fish try and jump out of the tank? In your case, I'm assuming the fish didn't specifically target the one small opening. Rather, it was complete chance and the chances of hitting that exact spot have to be slim? How many tried did it take to actually hit the gap?
Same last week for my beloved female blue spot leopard wrasse. Fit through a tiny gap in the top. Arghhhh.