low PH all the time


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Hey eveyone, I am having a hard time maintaining my PH, it always drops down to 8.0 and just stays there. I use RO water but treat it with a 8.3 buffer. It seems no matter how much buffer i use i can never get the PH to maintain 8.3. Any suggestions?
First off, 8.0 isn't low. The acceptable range for tanks is 7.8 - 8.3/.4. So you are actually doing fine. My tank is at 8.0 and all my corals and fish are doing fine.

I think it's better to keep a stable tank and params, then try and shoot for a certain number and keep having a fluctuating PH.

But, if you really want to maintain a higher PH, I would look into a dosing kalk.
<span style="color: black;">Maveri is correct. While pH readings in the high 7s may be considered low, they are acceptable. Dripping/dosing kalk would help maintain the pH and calcium levels in your tank while providing a stable environment. </span>
Keep in mind that you <u>can</u></em> over</em>buffer water. IMO if you're having pH problems and you've been adding any sort of buffer regularly, stop adding the buffer and do multiple frequent waterchanges (unless ofcourse you suspect you have an "off" batch of salt mix).

If you want some reading material... check out these two articles by Randy Holmes-Farley:

Understanding what pH is chemically, helps you know how to manipulate it.
<span style="color: black;">Be aware of the amount of buffer you are adding. Too much can cause your tank to remain unstable. I was dosing small amounts of buffer through the day to keep my pH above 8.0, but even after a couple weeks it would still drop down in the 7's at night. Last weekend I went out of town so I was unable to add buffer and my ph stayed above 8.0 night and day for the entire weekend. Of course I had to ruin this when I got home by adding more buffer. I&#8217;m not sure if it was me not adding buffer that allowed it to stabilize or the fact that there was more oxygen available in my home with everyone gone for the weekend.</span>
Showtime305;31539 wrote: <span style="color: black;">or the fact that there was more oxygen available in my home with everyone gone for the weekend.</span>
:tongue: Unless your entire family is hyperventilating on a constant basis.... i don't think that was it. :) lol
<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Tony. You beat me to it while I was typing up my short unimportant story.</span></span></span>:doh:
tsciarini;31541 wrote: :tongue: Unless your entire family is hyperventilating on a constant basis.... i don't think that was it. :) lol
You know I wondered why my son would pass out after running around for a few seconds.