Low PH My new anemone


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Over the weekend, I headed to Cap. Bay to get a couple of clowns for my tank. I had tested and tested and determined that everything was fine. Nonetheless, I was concerned that my ammonia wasn't a perfect zero on my test kit so I took a water sample with me. At Cap. Bay, they said that my water quality was good, but the PH was low. I hadn't noticed that, but in retrospect, I think I was just misreading the scale a bit. Anyway, they said it was about 7.8. I thought it was 8.2. So, I bought a bottle of the Mardel 5 in 1 test strips that they use at Cap. Bay. Sure enough, it shows closer to 7.8 at home. So, I added some Red Sea Buff before acclimating the pair of clowns and anemone that I bought. I did a 10% water change a day later. The best I can tell, my PH is about 8.0 now. Any suggestions how best to keep it up around 8.2 or 8.3? All other readings are normal. By the way, a pic of the clown pair and rose BTA in my tank is attached. All three were $170 sold together at Cap. Bay after the ARC discount. Is this a fair price?
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RBTAs command a premium most places so fair... sure. Had you ordered online you probably would have paid about the same amount after shiping. Could you have gotten a better deal... Yes. Sal sold me the same setup (2 clowns and a RBTA) for much less this Saturday, but again that is one of the best prices I know about around town. A lot of places charge $100+ just for the RBTA. I agree with Barbara above on this subject.

Kalkwasser in the top off is probably the easiest way to keep pH up.
Thanks! I am assuming that all I can do with the low PH is do small water changes more frequently and add a buffer.
Excess CO2 in the house can also adversely affect pH levels. Like Barbara said, a reverse light cycle on your refugium can help. Opening the windows in your fish room for a bit in the evening can help as well.

Where is your dKH measuring?
The alkalinity test is in the normal range, may even high normal. I don't recall the exact number range because I don't have the test card with me right now.
here's a couple of articles for you to read:




Barbara;135627 wrote: Yeah Cam, those deals Sal was giving this weekend were unbelievable weren't they????? That was a crazy deal you got for the RBTA and clowns!
Good news is my gain is the clubs gain. I donated those two clowns to tomorrow nights raffle. Hopefully they will bring a couple bucks into the club.
I recognize that bubble gum live rock from Capp Bay!

That is one beautiful RBTA that you have there -- very nice!

Barbara and Cameron basically covered this, but I was curious what the actual cost would be online so I looked it up.

I went to livequaria.com and the clowns were $17 each, but they didn't even have any RBTA's to sell, not in the diver's den or their regular section. They had a green and purple one for $70 that didn't seem all that pretty.

So given that RBTA's do usually go for around $100 (I was wanting one and saw them for $99 most places online) then we are up to $138 before tax and shipping.

It's too bad that my 55 is not ready yet for RBTA's -- the nice ones I saw at Saltwater City and your picture are making me want them even more!
Great points. I think that if all of that is taken into account, it's a pretty good deal. I just wasn't sure how much of a premium I paid for a "pair." But, sounds like they priced it fair at Cap. Bay. Great store for sure! And, it's not all that far from where I live with easy access to I-75.
Wow. Beautiful man! I've ALWAYS been pleased with my purchases at Cap Bay. It's worth it to be able to see and pick from the livestock in the store, rather than hit and miss for a cheaper price. Everything I have bought from them, corals, inverts, fish have always been healthy and even though I do QT and dip, I have never had any health issues with their stock. Great looking pair and nem! Good luck with them and keep us posted.