Low PH Problem!!!! Help


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My PH has dropped from 8.4 to 8.0 and I think it even went lower than that over night because I lossed a few fish because of it. What is the best way to raise my PH? I have been using seachem products to raise my PH. I have all there products except Reef Advantage which I plan on picking up today. Nothing that used to work seems to be raising it at the moment so that tells me that something else could be wrong. I am trying to use products that does not raise my akalinity because it was high before this happend. I did a few water changes with in a 7 day period trying to correct my Akalinity problem so that could be the problem. Please help me with this issue.
I have the super dkh by kent but doesnt it also raise the akalinity?
I believe seachem reef buffer will raise the PH without affecting the dKh much.

You know, a PH of 8.0 or even 7.8 should not kill most fish I wouldn't think, if the drop in PH was gradual. A lot of people have lower PH's in the high 7's bet keep it pretty consistent without any problems, including myself. I sit at 8.0 almost all the time, and as low as 7.8 at night. I know this may not be optimal, but it doesn't flux enough to kill anything.

I am starting to use kalk dripping ot bring mine up to 8.4 ish.
I'm with corvettecris. A gradual drop from 8.4 to 8.0 should not kill your fish. Most likely something else caused the deaths. Have you tested for ammonia and nitrites? Did anything else die in the tank before the fish (snails, corals, etc.)?
my corals are doing fine. I did have the cleaner shrimp that died first.
What size tank? Did you remove the shrimp immediately?

Were you able to remove the other dead fish quickly? What are your paramaters at right now?
Ummm... My PH is 7.7-7.8.... Don't flip out... As someone said, if the change (Up and down!!) are slow, it will not hurt anything...
I was not able to remove the shrimp and one fish immediatly because I didnt know until it was too late, but the others I was able to get the same day. My PH is about 8.0, magnesium 1300, akalinity is about an 8 and the rest I have not tested. I think it is my nitrites.
Seachem Reef Buffer will raise your Alkalinity. I am having the same issue currently and am trying to adjust mine slowly to raise it up. It has been holding at about 7.8 - 8.0 during the day and dropping to 7.65 - 7.75 at night. I have went to mixing kalk with my top off water to attempt to raise it and it has only slightly raised the ph. I just received a product from Chris (Einstein Aquatics); the Balance product from the Aqua Vitro (Seachem premium) line. It is made to raise your ph without affecting your Ca or Alk. I am doing this slowly, raising it by 0.1 units per day, so as not to shock any of the inhabitants. I'll let you know how well it works after I obtain the level I am looking for. They also have another product meant to assist with the maintenance of ph designated 8.4. If you would like to read more about these products, I have included a link to them. As far as I know currently Chris may be the only retailer in the area that has picked up this line of products, as I spoke to their CS rep last week. If you have any questions about the products, contact Chris as he has tried them in his tanks and has some experience with them.

I wil do that. Chris is next to my wifes dental office. I saw the products by seachem. Thank You