Low space sump ideas?


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My little sump for my 46G tank is just not cutting it for me. I have only about 1/2 gallon of leway room if the return pump goes out, and that scares me.

Anyone have any ideas on what do do? I only have limited space due to the small door on the stand (16"W X 30"H). Inside the stand is only about 10" of Width to play with and only about 30" of length.

I was thinking of maybe doing two 10G tanks and connecting them together somehow. Maybe on on top of the other. kinda staggard like this. http://www.melevsreef.com/acrylics/sumps/d/sump_model_d.html">http://www.melevsreef.com/acrylics/sumps/d/sump_model_d.html</a>

Here is what I have now, I would really like to get the skimmer inside the sump incase it goes nuts.
[IMG]http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m36/hondaguru/Tanks/DSC01331.jpg alt="" />
As you can see, it's packed tight!
Well, you could use a one way valve to prevent backflow floods. Its not usually a good idea to do that (to avoid failures) but that may be a low cost alternative for you.

Otherwise I think the stacked idea is a good one, and the skimmer might could hang on the top tank, suspended above the lower one to catch any mishaps.
Check valves are a great way to go but I am no longer a fan. I was burned about 2 months ago because of a small blockage during a power outage while I was away. I ended up with about a 8 gallon leak. Not good at all. You may need to just save up and get a custom sump that will fill al of your needs. A custom sump that filled the void underneath the high tank in your link might be beneficial.
I have one of the nice clear for life check valves on my return that is also a union, so I can see if it is clogged and clean it out if need be(not pictured), but that is only for the return. I do not trust a check valve on the overflow side.

Good idea about hanging the skimmer overtop of the other one in case of mishaps.
Is your tank drilled or do you use a HOB overflow? If you use a HOB you could drill a siphon break hole on your return line so if power shuts off you will lose siphoning quickly. That's what I use and it works good. I do have more room than a 1/2 gallon though. That is cutting it close.
For real!

It is a bow front, so I have 10" at the smallest part, and 14" at the widest part for width, 34" Long, 30 " high
jefft;249589 wrote: Is your tank drilled or do you use a HOB overflow? If you use a HOB you could drill a siphon break hole on your return line so if power shuts off you will lose siphoning quickly. That's what I use and it works good. I do have more room than a 1/2 gallon though. That is cutting it close.

It is drilled for two 1" overflows, and two 3/4" returns
I have a siphn break in there already, and the check valve helps also. This got worse when I upgraded to the turboflotor skimmer, because it holds alot more water than my puny Aqua C Urchin did. Believe me, I have done everything in my power to mimimalize the amount of water going into the sump during a power outage.

I would just like a little more breathing room, and more water volume would be nice too.