LPS Reef Tank


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SO we moved all the sps into the 75 gallon tank and have done the rock work on my wifes "FLOWY" tank so here is a video we made using our cell phones so the colors didnt come out the greatest but hey I think it looks awesome and most of the rock work was her idea...

Thanks he was a craigslist find and he is getting streamers now so I guess its a male

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Man serious props. That's a beautiful tank. Looks like my dream tank. Absolutely awesome. I'm curious what kinda lights you have? Idk if it said in the end I couldn't read that fast. Would really like to know.
The lighting is 2 120 watt china led fixtures with bridgelux bulbs dimmable just whites and blues

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The whole reason I have another tank is for my LPs (acans) didn't like the LEDs so we moved everything sps related and put in the 75 gallon tank which is running t5s in removing the sps we needed to remove some damsels, clowns, and tang so with the amount of rock in there it meant only one thing... tear down... this video was shot only two days after.. we knew when we put it back together we wanted more room for the fish and we wanted large overhangs so besides weight of rocks balancing I drilled holes in the rock and zip tied all of it

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Thanks only thing I wish for it is if it were a little bigger tank and that my elegance didn't die in the move, but the only things we plan to add to the tank is another elegance and a gold torch and a fish to replace the regal and one to replace the vlimingi at the rate he is growing

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Man that's awesome. Hope my tank is that nice Lookin one day. My leds are up and down. Bleached some of my coral. But they are dimmable. So I've kept them cut down in fear they're gonna fry everything. Would you mind telling me how you run yours and how high above your tank they are? I have two 120 on a 90 ab 8in up. Seems better since I cut down on lighting.
Well it took several months before I got them turned up, my unit sits 8" above the water, my tank is 30" deep so I believe its easier with deeper tanks, but my LEDs run now at 80% blue and 60% white, I did map out par on the tank and the coral in the highest par is the blue/green bubble at 300 par the torch at the top of the tank doesn't sit directly under the light and is around 250 par, my optics are 120, with 90 or 60 degree optics you get deeper penetration so just turn up a little at a time. I take lots of pictures to compare what corals look like on a week to week basis. At the first sign if bleaching I backed down to where I was the week before and just wait another week. Or if in pictures I show more extensions the week before then possibly the coral us trying to draw itself in due to the lights. Only you know what your coral looks like so chances are they should show signs of distress before bleaching takes a turn for worst. I should also mention I clean my lenses once a month to prevent salt creep and only run both blues and whites for 7 hours. I do 25 gallon water changes every two weeks and dose 3 times a week for calcium and alk, I did bleach a blasto but its now orange instead of red which can be common with many red LPs under leds

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