LR Moving/Acclimation?


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I am going to move some LR out of my 20GAL Reef to my 55GAL. Other than making sure there are no hitch-hikers is there any issues such as acclimating it? Temps are the same +/- 1 Deg, salinity same (ish) but I know PH, other water parameters might be a little different. Jut want to make sure I don't ahrm anything on the LR so it will thrive in my 55GAL. Thanks in advance!
Assuming you trust where the rock came from it is like doing a huge water change. We moved 150lbs of live rock 120 miles Saturday from one tank to another and I haven't had any problems.
Cameron wrote: Assuming you trust where the rock came from it is like doing a huge water change. We moved 150lbs of live rock 120 miles Saturday from one tank to another and I haven't had any problems.

It's been in my 20GAL for about 8 months now, I just need ot move it out to make more room for corals. It's a tall piece with lots of holes in it, just don't want to kill off any of the organizms if possible, but I know there might be some die off.
In my case, there was no noticeable die off and my move was far more stressful for the organisms. A quick move to similar water you probably won't notice an ammonia spike or anything like that.
YOu are fine in moving your LR. Only die off you MIGHT have that I can think of is a sponge here or there from meeting the air. Other then that, don't worry about it. You are not going to throw a bristle worm into PH shock.