LTA crushed my colony


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So this morning I wake up to see my two year old purple digitata colony crushed into pieces. My long tentacle anemone moved a 15 pound rock about 3 inches and crushed the colony into another Boulder. Here's a before and after shot.

What a mess! Now I've got to find a little rock to glue 10 frags too!

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Are you sure it was the nem that moved that rock? I've personally never heard of a nem moving rocks.
I'm absolutely certain without a doubt. He's done it before and I saw it happen the first time. They suck in a bunch of water and inflate. Then they try to close up real fast only they don't expel the water and it basically shoves hard against whatever they are touching. I've never seen this with a bubble tip, but this is a long tentacle anemone and not a bubble tip. The first time he did it it only move the rock half an inch to an inch and in an acceptable direction but this time it crushed the colony against the other rocks and put another colony under shade which I'll have to fix.
Nothing like picking up fistfuls of coral frags lol. Thank god this want an acro or a Millie I loved!
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Lol. I don't have room for more than 1 frag in my frag rack. If you want a piece I'll give you a piece of purple and another piece of red. Just message me and I'll hook you up.
I was just going to glue as many as I could to a little Boulder and stuff it in a crack somewhere. Hehe