lunar light cycles..


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Im just checking to see what everyone else does or what is protocall for lunar lights....Do you keep them on all night untill the mains come on or do you have a pitch black time period in between??? does anyone out there try to imulate a lunar cycle for the corals as well?

I used to run mine all night but as of late they stay on for 3 hrs after the mains go off, then about 3 hrs of pitch black, then they come on about an hour before the mains do in the morn to help keep the shock down on my livestock.
I use lunar cycle controller like the one I posted earlier last year on this thread."></a> I've got it timed to match the moon. When there is a full moon the tank is pretty bright at night and during a new moon you have practially no light. For the price its hard to beat. This is the site I got it from.
I use the Neptune LunarSim which is an excellent piece of equipment if you use an AC unit.