Magnesium Levels


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Tucker, GA
So I forgot that i set a dosing schedule to get my magnesium up to around 1300....i just checked and it is at 1410. Is this going to be a problem? My Alk is at 9 and my Cal is at 425 based on the website that @Adam suggested to get ionic balance and they have been stable for the past few days at those levels.
Umm mine has been around 1600 forever.
Are you asking if it’s too high?
yeah.... i didnt know if there are any ill effects of having high mag levels. Also I dont know what mag i should be at with my parameters.
1410 is fine. I’m on the high side with no ill effects. I had worst problems dipping in low 1200’s when I was 2 part dosing back in the days. My alk and calc was always off and hard to keep stable. Just from my experience, between 1300 and 1500 is safe.
I think 1400—1450 is perfect. I like to keep mine I just that range. Gives you time to respond if it drops as it's not a test I do as frequently. Even if I had a Trident I'd probably keep it at that level.
In that range magnesium will help sustain both calcium & alkalinity.

While magnesium consumption may not be high, it is crucial to a healthy reef.

Too high is also a bad thing. One sign of this is snails dying. So manage it like you do the others.
So is it normal for Mag to drop by 30 in about a 26hr period?

No, a couple ppm per week would be normal.

That’s approximately 2% in one day, which is 14% a week, or 60% a month!

I’d look for a 2nd opinion/test source and retest.

A lot of reefers will tell you they don’t measure it, because water changes take care of the consumption & keep Mag steady.
Yeah I didn't think this was correct...I'm using a Salifert Mag test kit. Might have to invest in another brand. Any suggestions?
BRS likes Salifert, but here you go -

One thing I’ve learned - and finally am able to practice - is not to freak out if it’s in a “normal range”. I only test once a month now, and if it’s close enough to my targets and nothing seems off in the tank, stop touchy touchy, go do something else.
When people do that, some call it chasing numbers. I call it flying into the mountain.

We may get too focused on measurements and not be observing enough.

The tests are there to reassure us, not to guide us. Just my $0.02