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So for almost a year I've been dosing just two part - Alk and Calcium. Never noticed any real magnesium loss. Now that I have a Trident, over the last six weeks I've noticed magnesium dropping a few points a day. Over the last two days I've managed to raise magnesium by 75 (up to 1250 now - took a gallon of Mag supplement!!) and I'm noticing MUCH better polyp extension. Time to start dosing magnesium as well.

I see now why the most successful SPS keepers use Calcium reactors - since they provide calc, mag, trace elements, and more. I think it's time for me to do the same...
So for almost a year I've been dosing just two part - Alk and Calcium. Never noticed any real magnesium loss. Now that I have a Trident, over the last six weeks I've noticed magnesium dropping a few points a day. Over the last two days I've managed to raise magnesium by 75 (up to 1250 now - took a gallon of Mag supplement!!) and I'm noticing MUCH better polyp extension. Time to start dosing magnesium as well.

I see now why the most successful SPS keepers use Calcium reactors - since they provide calc, mag, trace elements, and more. I think it's time for me to do the same...
A calcium reactor is definately a game changer once you get it setup properly.
A calcium reactor is definately a game changer once you get it setup properly.
Yeah - I've dragged my feet on it too long. I know they're more advanced as far as reefkeeping is concerned, and I've read the horror stories. It's just time to bite the bullet and make it happen.
Has your corraline algae taken off lately? That can soak up some Mag.
Has your corraline algae taken off lately? That can soak up some Mag.
Yes - yes it has, especially in my frag tank - the bottom is COVERED in corraline spots. That would make a lot of sense...
I use the aquamaxx tech t2 reactor, it's very quiet and easy to use. The price was very easy on the wallet too.
I find the magnesium reading from trident inconsistent with my other test kits. I’m off about 80 between trident and AF mag test kit. My CAL is higher than the reading from other test kit but acceptable. My alk is consistent tho. Of course this is after calibration and I run a calcium reactor.


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So for almost a year I've been dosing just two part - Alk and Calcium. Never noticed any real magnesium loss. Now that I have a Trident, over the last six weeks I've noticed magnesium dropping a few points a day. Over the last two days I've managed to raise magnesium by 75 (up to 1250 now - took a gallon of Mag supplement!!) and I'm noticing MUCH better polyp extension. Time to start dosing magnesium as well.

I see now why the most successful SPS keepers use Calcium reactors - since they provide calc, mag, trace elements, and more. I think it's time for me to do the same...

Was the Mag loss because your Trident is more precise or because your coralline algae was going bonkers?
Was the Mag loss because your Trident is more precise or because your coralline algae was going bonkers?
I'm assuming Coralline - and the new tank/lighting/everything else. I can't know for sure. I'm going to use my manual mag test today to compare results. Regardless, adding mag has caused some great coral response.
I too have been guilty of not testing mag. Just tested for the first time in months and it was suprr low. Brs dosing calculator said to add 1771 ml of magnesium! What!? Im slowly starting bring it up now
I thought about adding remag to my calrx but my Mg has been stable by raising it on my water change mix. I try to keep it around 1400 so every batch of salt mix I raise it to 1420 and that keeps pretty steady.
Ever since I had my wild fluctuations when I began dosing, mine has been holding stable between 1200-1400. I haven't dosed any more mag, but my Alk dosing keeps going up month-to-month. I guess there's enough in Reef Crystals to keep up?
Often, the first indication of low magnesium is an aquarium with persistently low calcium & alkalinity and their correspondingly greater dosing requirements.

There are 5x’s as many magnesium atoms in seawater as calcium. The only things in greater abundance is the salt (sodium & chlorine). That should tell us something.

Instant Ocean Reef Crystals has been widely reported to be low in magnesium. This has been speculated to be a materials cost issue (BRS video).
Often, the first indication of low magnesium is an aquarium with persistently low calcium & alkalinity and their correspondingly greater dosing requirements.

There are 5x’s as many magnesium atoms in seawater as calcium. The only things in greater abundance is the salt (sodium & chlorine). That should tell us something.

Instant Ocean Reef Crystals has been widely reported to be low in magnesium. This has been speculated to be a materials cost issue (BRS video).

Well I have no idea then!

I have noticed a plateau in coralline growth, but my Mg number is not really dropping on either of my tests. Only significant change I've made over the last couple months is removing that huge anthelia colony.
So for almost a year I've been dosing just two part - Alk and Calcium. Never noticed any real magnesium loss. Now that I have a Trident, over the last six weeks I've noticed magnesium dropping a few points a day. Over the last two days I've managed to raise magnesium by 75 (up to 1250 now - took a gallon of Mag supplement!!) and I'm noticing MUCH better polyp extension. Time to start dosing magnesium as well.

I see now why the most successful SPS keepers use Calcium reactors - since they provide calc, mag, trace elements, and more. I think it's time for me to do the same...
When you brought your mag back up whats the most you added at 1 time?
When you brought your mag back up whats the most you added at 1 time?
1/4 gallon. brought total tank up around 40 points at a time. Did that over three days. Took a whole gallon and I could stand to go up another 50 points or so.
Crazy, when the BRS guys have you just dump the entire gallon in when you use up the Alk/Ca jugs. Granted, this is 6-year old information...
