Magnetic frag discs sweet!


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Check these out. I just ordered some. I'll post some pictures once I get some frags mounted."></a>
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Those are pretty sweet! But expensive! Lol Pretty soon we are going to be hanging frags in the middle of the tank with fishing line lol.
They look really cool... and I don't think they are that expensive.
Maroons15 wrote: Those are pretty sweet! But expensive! Lol Pretty soon we are going to be hanging frags in the middle of the tank with fishing line lol.

actually.... that's already being done.
yep... I've seen that in some presentation... wasn't it Anthony?
Wow!! Thats crazy! It's kind of like the thing where some people have lights coming from the bottom of there tank. Both of those aren't natural at all.
I think I will do a couple Montipora Cap's. These cost me six buck's each shipped for the small mag's and will allow me to hide my overflow. I'll post some pics once I have them up.
Thats a great Idea to hide the over flow! I would definatly do this if I didn't have a bunch of rock hiding my overflow.