Majano Wand

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Hi everyone, my 60 gallon tank had about 30 majano and 15 aiptasia last week. My son told me about a product that would zap these pesty critters away. This device is the Majano Wand. It cost about $140. My son and I were at Pure Reef last Saturday and asked if they carried the Majano Wand. It turns out that Pure Reef rents it for $5.00 a day. I love this majano killer. Yes, it is a joy melting majanos away. Yes, within seconds of touching the majanos, they are dead. You can beat the cost of $5.00 per day. I felt like I was the dentist melting cavities away. It does such a good job, I can't wait to use it again. The wand electrocutes the majano's body tissue. The majanos tissues turn from green to a white mushy material. There is a time limit, for a 50 gallon tank, a 10-minute zapping session is the maximum usage per hour. I wound highly recommend this product! Pure Reef has excellent customer service! Thank you Reef Pure for making it possible to rent the Majano Wand. If you need help, contact me - I will be glad to zap your majanos for you.


cvo aka GeorgiaTechClownFish
I'd siphon out the mush if at all possible following one of your sessions. Wouldn't want it to break apart into a buncha little "not quite dead yet" bits and give you a new crop.

Still that's great to know that it can be had for a rental. Thanks for the tip!
Cool on the rental.

My experience differed significantly from yours. I owned one a few years back, and it felt like you basically needed three hands to operate it with precision. Touching an aptasia killed that part, but the effect was highly localized. Entirely killing one meant multiple touches, never quite sure of getting the entire thing.

I found peppermint shrimp to be a better solution, at least for aptasia.
Curious to hear about other experiences. I bought peppermint shrimp - nothing. Aiptasia X melts them - gone and dead.