Making live Rock into dead rock


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I am in the process of redoing my tank but I have these huge pieces of live rocks that is covered with mushroom
I am thinking to boil or bleach it
Let it dry out and then put it back in the tank
Any ideas
Muriatic acid bath would be good after the bleaching, to remove dead tissue and reduce phosphates. Don't leave it too long, it will dissolve your rock slowly.
A gallon of bleach in about 50 gallons of water cleaned my rocks in about 24 hours. Put an old power head in there to keep water moving.
So Grant , since you've done this before, how much work was involved and what did you do to make sure the rock didn't absorb any acid/bleach?
Like Grant said....

Make sure the bleach and the muriatic acid don't mix, Bad things will happen! Bleach, rinse and soak then do the acid (air dry may work if the solution isn't to strong) might want to do it outside it can be nasty. Please research this before you try it it can be dangerous.

Before you kill off everything maybe someone would like to buy them off you ( or trade with LFS)?
I had approximately 75 lbs of rock from my old DT, as well as about 100 lbs of dry rock that I got from another member. I do not know where he got the rock, so I figured I would just clean it all.

The following is the procedure I followed:

1. Borrowed a 150g Rubbermaid container from another member.
2. It is best to work outside since you are going to be working with chemicals, so I placed the container out front on my driveway. I placed all of my rock inside the container, spread out as much as possible so that I would not have to fill it too much.
3. Filled with RODI water until the rock was completely submerged (Approx. 50g), did not want to introduce unwanted materials from tap water.
4. Dumped a gallon of chlorine bleach, placed an old 1500 gph Korlia in there for flow ( I really think that this helps), and let it soak over a 24 hour period (or until all of the rock was bright white). Some of this rock was really dark green/gray with coraline all over, I was surprised how white it became even down inside of the crevices and such.
5. After about 24 hours it did not seem to be getting any cleaner, so I emptied the water/bleach mixture and refilled with RODI water and let sit for another 24 hours, then emptied it again and repeated filling and emptying.
6. Refilled with 150g rubber maid container with RODI, as well as a 29 gallon rubber maid container.
7. Then, with long rubber gloves, rain poncho, goggles, and a respirator, I poured in a gallon of Muriatic Acid (Always Acid to Water, not the other way around) that I purchased from Walmart. Placed the Koralia back in the container to help mix the water/acid and flow through and around the rocks. Let it soak for approx. 15 mins. Then I reached in and gently rocked and sloshed the rocks around individually to help wash stuff off and out of the rocks. As I finished with each rock, I dunked it in the 29 gallon container of RODI water, sloshed it around a bit, and then placed it on my concrete drive in a pile.
8. Once all of the rock was cleaned, I once again placed it in the rubbermaid container and filled with RODI water to soak for another 24 hours.
9. Afterwards, I just left it outside to dry for a couple of weeks.
I took a propane torch to mine... Maybe not the best way but it worked and I could stick the rock back in after a few mins
Thanks for your help Guys
Right now I am planning my execusion plan I probably do the really covered ones with bleach and use a torch with the rest.
then sit the bleached ones outside for a month
Then start moving my life stock to my frag tank while the DP tank cycle.
Hey rich this sounds like a fun experiment , that piece of rock is definitely covered , if you look around id imagine that you can easily find it a home in a shop or another members tank for later fraging
myVWrock;1002965 wrote: I took a propane torch to mine... Maybe not the best way but it worked and I could stick the rock back in after a few mins


Seriously?! Thats gotta be a new one.
Tbub1221;1003126 wrote: Hey rich this sounds like a fun experiment , that piece of rock is definitely covered , if you look around id imagine that you can easily find it a home in a shop or another members tank for later fraging

these brown mushroom don't play well with other, once they start to multiply they will cover every square inch of all all all of your live rock and the only way to get rid of them is to kill the rock.
I have been trying to kill the in the tank for 9 years now, guess what, I lost the battle but I am going to win the war.
I would not wish this on no one.

but I do have a lot of bottom polyps that you are welcome to
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You can also use Seachem Safe or Prime to help clear out the bleach if you're worried. But like the others have mentioned if you rinse the rock well and let it dry out all the way you will have no issues.
On another note though, I just finish setting up my new rimless 80 Deep blue that I picked up from Aviarium and I am in love with this tank, it's a 48x24x16, I transferred all my softies and LPS to this tank but I could not resist, so I stuck a bunch of SPS frags in there where ever they would fit.
the tank is going through a mini cycle, some of the rock was from my frag tank and some was from the DP tank that I cooked on the grill to make them useable.
Surprisingly everything opens up nicely and all are doing well for a tank that is less than a month old.
Well, Seachem stability might have had something to do with that and old water.
Anyway the point to all this is that I got a taste of the rimless club, not sure if I want to keep my old tank now.
I am going to make another effort for a 60x24x20 rimless, it's just that I was not liking the quotes I was getting.
but it's charismas, Santa might smile on me
aXio;1003250 wrote: You can also use Seachem Safe or Prime to help clear out the bleach if you're worried. But like the others have mentioned if you rinse the rock well and let it dry out all the way you will have no issues.

You were supposed to give us a heads up so you didn't kill yourself moving that new tank , I'm glad it went smoothly keep me posted when its ready for show and tell I know it will be beautiful.
I didn't move the tank yet
The 80 gal is in the basement
I am still shopping for a replacement
I definitely going to need your help

