Male Flasher Wrasse Housed Alone?


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I read somewhere, though darned if I remember where, that if you want to keep a male flasher wrasse alone (instead of with a harem of females), you should paint/paper the sides of the tank black, leaving just the front panel clear. This would supposedly make it easier for him to see his reflection, and you'd get to see the 'flashing' display when he drives off those 'rivals'. Otherwise he wouldn't display, since he'd have no females to impress, and this would sorta defeat the purpose of keeping a flasher wrasse.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Does it actually work?
what does it mean when someone talks about the "display" a certain fish or wrasse exhibits? I always hear it talked about but what do they actually do? a little dance and song, a 2 step or more like a chicken dance? j/k but seriously...?
I would think him just flexing his muscle would get him to do it. Keeping the sides and front clean would give him plenty of opportunity to see his reflection. I wouldn't waste the side views of your tank on it